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Online:Mages Guild Sentry Cat

< Elder Scrolls Online: Non-Combat Pets: M
These short-haired, large-eared cats are a common sight in Mages Guildhalls, where it's said their keen senses enable them to detect all manner of intruders, even those that are magically concealed or from realms of Oblivion.
Mages Guild Sentry Cat
ON-icon-pet-Mages Guild Sentry Cat.png
Mages Guild Sentry Cat
Type Domestic
Default Name Uncanny Kitty
Acquired From Flame Atronach Crate
Reward Level Legendary
Price 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Category Non-Combat Pets (Domestic)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Mages Guild Sentry Cat is available as a Legendary-level reward in Flame Atronach crates. Its default name is "Uncanny Kitty", although it originally did not have one.

