This page contains loading screens from the Firesong DLC.
Location MessagesEdit
- Galen - Enclaves of Stonelore and Eldertide druids occupy the vast wilderness of Galen, while House Mornard controls the city of Vastyr. If High Isle is the heart of business and politics, Galen is the archipelago's soul.
- Castle Tonnere - Built centuries ago by an ambitious Breton coin-baron, Castle Tonnere overlooks Galen's western coast. It has been abandoned for many years.
- Clohaigh - "We hold many natural caves to be sacred. Some were used in the past but abandoned for one reason or another. That's the case with Clohaigh. So far, my research hasn't indicated why none of the circles go there anymore."—Druid Laurel
- Draoife Dell - Three archdruids from each of the three druid circles come together to form the Draoife, a governing council. The Draoife meets to settle disputes, declare the beginning and ending of seasons, and issue proclamations pertaining to all circles.
- Dreadsail Sea Witch Sanctum - "How fitting that we sea witches reside in these caves while the others live in the sand. The druids of Llanshara infused the stone with power—an old energy that radiates around us. Yes, our place is here."—Sea Witch Minahel
- Embervine - "We expect the cave system to prove safe for an experienced surveyor. None of the explorers we sent described any excess of danger. We assume that those who failed to report back merely lacked a strong work ethic."—excerpt from House Mornard's mineral survey proposal
- Fauns' Thicket - "The Fauns' Thicket herd is rowdy. They play and hunt throughout the day, then bray for most of the night! Did Y'ffre have to make Fauns so noisy?"—Druid Madena
- Ivyhame - "During the time of the last Druid King, Kasorayn ruled over the druids from the Ivy Throne, located deep in the heart of Ivyhame, his keep formed from the natural caverns beneath a mountain near the eastern shore of Galen.
- Memorial Hall - "This great hall will be the perfect place to gather all the participants before we begin the peace talks. We just need to spruce it up a bit."—Lord Bacaro Volorus
- Mount Firesong - "Mount Firesong rises above the island of Y'ffelon, but its influence extends to every corner of the archipelago. And I'm not just talking about the volcanic activity. The mountain is sacred to every druid, be they Stonelore, Eldertide, or Firesong."—Archdruid Rahval
- Steadfast Manor Cellars - "The cellars beneath Steadfast Manor? That's just where I store mementos of my life before I founded the Society of the Steadfast. I'm sure you wouldn't find anything to interest you down there."—Lord Bacaro Volorus
- Suncleft Grotto - "You know what I love about Galen? Well, all the islands in general, but Galen in specific? There's an abundance of caves along the coasts! That's great for my line of business, let me tell you!"—Captain Korillane, Systres Smuggler
- Temple of Y'ffelon - One of the most sacred locations for the druids of the archipelago, the Temple of Y'ffelon is dedicated to Y'ffre and the True Way. It sits in the shadow of Mount Firesong, on the island of Y'ffelon.
- The Mad Maiden - Pride and joy of Captain Siravaen and her Gilded Blades, the Mad Maiden is a swift and powerful Sea Elf warship. Few vessels afloat are her equal.
- Vastyr Cathedral District - The magnificent Cathedral of the Evening, dedicated to the Divines, looks out over the city from its perch atop a bluff that rises above the water's edge.
- Vastyr Outlaws Refuge - As the bastion of civilization on the otherwise wild and untamed Galen, Vastyr serves as the center of business and commerce on the island. That includes transactions of a less-than-reputable nature, which primarily take place in the caverns beneath the city.
- Y'ffre's Path - The Eldertide druids keep the grounds of Y'ffre's Path free of any outsie influence. In this sacred area, animals are docile and the Eldertide brook no unwelcome intrusions.
- Y'ffre's Path Ruins - This section of Y'ffre's Path has been sealed away for centuries. Few druids alive today have even a slight inkling as to what this area was used for or what may still lurk in its depths.