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Online:Imperial Tapestry, Arkay

< Elder Scrolls Online: Furnishings: Parlor: Tapestries(Redirected from Online:Imperial Tapestry, Akatosh)
ON-icon-furnishing-Imperial Tapestry, Arkay.png
Imperial Tapestry, Arkay
Category Parlor (Tapestries)
Quality Superior
Limit Type Traditional Furnishings
This is a large house item.
Imperial Tapestry, Arkay

The identical item, Imperial Tapestry, Arkay (ID=153552), was one of 11 furnishings released on The Impresario during the Imperial City Celebration Event in 2020. They were sold for 0000000Event Tickets and are BOUND.

Release Notes

Update 13 (Homestead - February 2017)

  • Released

Update 41 (Scions of Ithilia - March 2024)

  • Name changed from Imperial Tapestry, Akatosh


No player houses come with this furnishing.