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Online:Gladiator Escalette Mondorie

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Gladiator Escalette Mondorie
Home City Gonfalon Bay
Location Gladiator's Quarters
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Soldier
Other Information
Faction(s) Storm Lords
Gladiator Escalette Mondorie

Gladiator Escalette Mondorie is a Breton soldier and member of the Storm Lords who can be found at the Gladiator's Quarters in Gonfalon Bay.


When spoken to, she'll say:

"That shaking underfoot? Ignore it. Focus on winning.
That's all that matters if you're a Storm Lord."
"I could've been a knight. But they have too many rules. So, I became a gladiator instead. It's so much more fun.
And there's none of that romantic chivalry nonsense that seem to twist the knights I know all up in knots."
"Some of the druids have strange stories. One talks about how she walked around Dufort Shipyards covered in snails and nobody there said a word.
Wish I knew how she got the snails all over her. That could have come in useful in my last match."