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Home Settlement Dusktown
Location Outside the Bottomless Pit
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Galuf is a Nord miner who is employed by the Bitterblade Mining Consortium and is one of the people who answered the job fliers posted around Skyrim. He can be found repairing a wall of the Bottomless Pit.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

After you arrive in Blackreach while tracking an assassin, you can go into the town and question some of the locals. Galuf is one of these people and will assume you are a new bonded miner.

"You must be new to Dusktown. You've still got that look.
Well, get settled in. You won't be allowed topside again until you complete your contract, so you might as well get comfortable."
You're a prisoner down here?
"A prisoner? No. Why would you think that? But we did sign a contract. Promised to stay until the work was done and never breathe a word.
Otherwise, being a bonded miner with the Bitterblade Mining Consortium is a lucrative opportunity!"
Have you seen a man with an eye patch come through town?
"Can't say that I have. And I haven't seen any ghosts or monsters, either, come to think of it, even though the rest of the town can't stop talking about them.
Anyway, welcome aboard and good mining!"
Ghosts and monsters?
"Oh, don't let the rumors scare you. Miners are a superstitious lot, and being this far underground can play havoc with your senses.
If you need to know anything else about Dusktown or working for the Bitterblade Mining Consortium, just ask."

While he doesn't know anything about the man you are hunting, you can ask him some questions about the place.

So you haven't seen or heard about anything suspicious going on down here?
"You mean those fools setting up their ghost traps? They're harmless. And if they make the superstitious miners feel better, I'm all right with that.
Elle and Overseer Urlvar have been nothing but fair and honest with all of us."
Elle and Overseer Urlvar?
"Elle Bitterblade. She owns the consortium. Urlvar's her husband and our overseer. They built Dusktown to support their claim.
They're savvy business folk. Secretive, but that goes with the territory when you break a new mine."
Have you seen any locations where bandits could hide down here?
"What a curious question. This whole place was tailor made for undesirables. Tunnels, sunken barrows, Dwarven ruins … lots of secluded spots.
But don't worry. We're the only ones down here. Elle's precautions make sure of that."
How did you get involved with this mining operation?
"Same as most of us, I reckon. I saw a posting in a tavern, talked to an agent, signed some papers, and here I am. Well, after they blindfolded me and walked me all over snow and creation.
The work is hard, but the wages are excellent!"


  • He only appears during the related quest.