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Online:Fisherfolk Work Wear

< Elder Scrolls Online: Costumes
You might think the profession of Fisher is one that's simple, slow, or easy. You'd change your mind fast the first time you hauled in a net full of slaughterfish!
Fisherfolk Work Wear (female)
ON-icon-costume-Fisherfolk Work Wear.png
Fisherfolk Work Wear
Type Costume
Acquired From Ayleid Crate
Reward Level Legendary
Price 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Fisherfolk Work Wear (male)

The Fisherfolk Work Wear costume was available as a Week 3 Daily Reward during July of 2019. It was later made available as a Legendary-level reward in Ayleid crates.

Slot 1: Red shirt
Slot 2: Pants and clasps holding the front of the shirt closed
Slot 3: Pouches on the waist

(The contents of the pouches, the reed-woven shawl, hat, belt, fish and baskets are not dyeable.)
