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Online:Fire Colossus

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Fire Colossus
Location The Brimstone Den
Species Bone Colossus
Health Brimstone 1st: Normal206,915Veteran(?)
Brimstone 2nd: Normal(?)Veteran(?)
Brimstone 3rd: Normal351,756Veteran(?)
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Undead
Fire Colossus

Two Fire Colossi are summoned by the Pyrelord during combat in the Brimstone Den, one when he reaches 70% health, and the other at 30%. They behave in the same way as the Brimstone Caretaker that can be fought shortly before reaching the Pyrelord.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

A basic melee attack dealing moderate physical damage.
Fiery Stomp
The colossus stomps the ground, indicated by a large red circle, dealing high flame damage.
Molten Rain
The colossus stands upright and roars, causing hails of flaming shards to fall down nearby at four locations, indicated by red circles, dealing continuous moderate flame damage.
Summon Skeletons
The colossus summons two stronger flaming Skeletons, which detonate upon death, indicated by red circles, dealing high flame damage. The colossus will still summon Risen Dead like standard colossi, but these don't detonate on death.