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Online:Darewan at-Ebdoh

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Darewan at-Ebdoh
Home City Kozanset
Location The Slaking Chalice
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner
Darewan at-Ebdoh

Darewan at-Ebdoh is a Redguard commoner who can be found at the Slaking Chalice in Kozanset.


Before the harpies are taken care of:

"By Onsi's bright blade, if one of those stinking mercenaries lays a hand on me, I'll split him like a dried gourd."

After the harpies are taken care of:

"Thank you for muzzling those mercenaries, wayfarer. As with all dogs, a thump on the snout is sometimes required."