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Online:Bravosil Areloth

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Bravosil Areloth
HomeĀ Settlement Quarantine Serk
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Bard
Bravosil Areloth

Bravosil Areloth is a Dark Elf bard found in the town of Quarantine Serk. You'll encounter him outside Flan House wringing his hands. He is married to Hlava Areloth.


Before or during Bad Medicine, he commends his wife's compassion:

"My wife's been helping out since she arrived. She's sick, but she still goes out of her way to lend a hand."

After Bad Medicine, he expresses concern about his wife's mental well-being:

"My wife ā€¦ I think the plague has rattled her mind. I pray that she recovers, but I fear the damage may be too severe."