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Online:Borzul's Suicide Note

< Elder Scrolls Online: Items: Books
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Book Information
Borzul's Suicide Note
ID 1008
Collection Final Words
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Borzul's Suicide Note
An Orc suitor's final words after being rejected

AAARRRRRGGGGHHHH! She cannot treat me this way. Borzul gro-Ghol stands for no insults! My shame must be wiped out.

Porath wishes me gone? Then I shall go! She spurns my advances? She will regret it! She will see what comes of shaming a member of the Gholin clan. She will never forget my answer; she will never forget my name!

Courage is called for, I must not falter. I will not falter. To Mauloch I make this sacrifice of myself!