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Online:Arbiter Salida al-Natedan

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Arbiter Salida al-Natedan
Home Settlement Leki's Blade
Race Redguard Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Arbiter Salida al-Natedan

Arbiter Salida al-Natedan is a Redguard found at Leki's Blade.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

Near the conclusion of the quest, she'll appear in the graveyard to dispense judgement on Master Fadalia:

"So, you are the one the others spoke of so highly.
Master Fadalia has brought shame upon Leki's Blade. I would hear your thoughts before adding my own."
Who are you?
"Master Fadalia summoned me.
For matters of honor, many turn to an arbitrator for counsel. And, when the situation necessitates, I am willing and able to execute justice."
Why do you want my thoughts? I'm not from here.
"That is precisely why. Both Raifa and Tafa are too entwined to offer clear counsel, and I, on the other hand, have only just arrived.
You have touched everyone present. As I said before, I would hear your opinion before I render judgment."
I don't think Master Fadalia should die simply for being a vampire.
"That is what Disciple Raifa af-Haba said as well. But I ask you: if Master Fadalia lives, will she become as the old master was? How can Leki suffer an abomination to exist, even if it is for the good of the school?
Think on this before answering."
If it were up to me, I would spare her life.
"In truth, it is what I thought as well. Master Fadalia has served the school faithfully. It was not her desire to fall to a vampire.
But, it would not suit the school for her to remain. Come, and I shall render judgment."
Master Fadalia wishes to atone. We should honor her decision, even if it means her death.
"That is what Disciple Tafa at-Makela said as well. But I ask you: if Master Fadalia dies, who will protect the school? Will the disciples be strong enough to take her place?
Think on this before answering."
Yes, she should die for her crimes. [Master Fadalia dies]
"In truth, it is what I thought as well. Master Fadalia has served the school faithfully, yet she hid when honor demanded she reveal her secret.
She will die by her own hand. Come. I shall render judgement."
I should talk to the others before making a decision. (If you chose any option but haven't finalized it yet)
"It is a wise action to look before taking a step. Speak to Disciple Raifa af-Haba and Disciple Tafa at-Makela.
What is decided here … only one of them will be pleased."

If you exit out of the conversation and talked to the disciples and before you make a decision, she will say:

"Have you made your decision?" (Leads to decision options)

If you decided to spare Fadalia, the following scene will play out:

Arbiter Salida al-Natedan : "Fadalia, your life is spared. Leave, and never return.
Master Fadalia : "No … I must pay for my crimes. I cannot live with this shame.
Disciple Tafa at-Makela : "An outsider pardons this traitor? I will have no part of it!
Arbiter Salida al-Natedan : "Remember the master's riddle! Bow, and accept your exile with honor.
Master Fadalia : "I … forgive me. This is my duty. I accept it gladly.
Arbiter Salida al-Natedan : "Ever shall you scour the sands, and protect our people. So it is written.
Disciple Raifa af-Haba : "Master … be at ease. I will protect the school in your place."

If you decided Fadalia should die, the following scene will play out:

Master Fadalia : "My fate is sealed. I accept your judgement."
Disciple Raifa af-Haba : "This is madness! She only did this to help!"
<Raifa will walk out, unable to watch his master kill herself.>
Arbiter Salida al-Natedan : "The curse is lifted. Go in peace."
<Master Fadalia kills herself>
Arbiter Salida al-Natedan : "I am sorry, Tafa."
<Tafa will walk over to her master's body and pray for her soul.>
Disciple Tafa at-Makela : "Be at peace, friend. I will watch over the school."

Speak to her one last time and she'll say:

"Justice sometimes wears a mask. Kindness, revenge, duty. Fate.
What mask did my choice wear this day? Only time will tell."

After the quest, if you choose to spare Fadalia:

"You thought as the disciple did, though it appears the old master does not appreciate her freedom."

After the quest, if you choose to let Fadalia commit ritual suicide:

"You thought as the disciple did, though I am sure she is conflicted."