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Oblivion talk:Gaston Tussaud


does anybody have the dialogue for the 2 pirates that give background about tussaud and the ship? (not the nord and breton down below talking about the dark elf). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:27 on October 3, 2011

Try looking here. --DKong27 Tk Ctr Em 03:21, 4 October 2011 (UTC)
Yep I heard the guys talking about Malvulis. For some reason I thought the Argonian and Nord would have a conversation about Tussaud when they break into the room, but maybe I am wrong. Basically I guess I am looking for more information on why somebody wants to get Tussaud, but maybe they just didnt put that info in the game. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:36 on October 4, 2011
I always assumed that it was the first mate who wanted him dead, so that she could get her hands on the boat. Kitkat xxx TalkContribE-mail 07:45, 4 October 2011 (UTC)

Notes Were Untrue:Edit

I have removed this:

"Leftover voice files seem to indicate that Gaston was supposed to be an Imperial, but was changed into a Breton during development File:dark02watery_dark02choice1a_00023f36_1 in the imperial voice folder"

Gaston was never an Imperial, rather, Wes Johnson (Imperial voice actor) voiced ALL the Bretons as well! If you look in the files, you'll find'Imperial' voice files for Jauffre, Hannibal Traven, Reynald & Guilbert Jemane, The Forlorn Watchman, Vicente Valteri, Mattheiu Bellamont, Ulrich Leland and just about EVERY Breton in-game. I'm so sick of seeing 'such and such was an imperial' when they never were. If you want more proof, look at the 'generic breton greeting' files in the imperial male voice folder. Unless you really think there were no Bretons originally? --Xbox99 (talk) 23:28, 8 February 2017 (UTC)

rumors regarding murder before player kills himEdit

Idk what's up with this, but on two separate saves, I've overheard NPCs talking about Gaston being killed before I've even done it. Once was while I had the related quest in my journal, but before completing it. And the other time was before I'd even accepted the contract. I'm not running any mods btw. I do, however, have one save where I've completed the whole DB questline... So unless NPCs are uber meta psychic... As in, they know what you've done on other playthroughs... this is highly weird. But, also if they do know what you've done on other characters... that's weird, too. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:04 on 4 May 2021 (UTC)

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