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Oblivion talk:Brodras

Mystic Dawn?Edit

Isn't Brodas one of the NPCs that will attack you after proceeding a bit on the main quest-line? And doesn't he have a mythic dawn book in his house?

I might be confusing him with someone else but I do have a memory of being attacked by him while he screams out things like: "for lord dagon!" and so on...

And when I checked his house I found a mythic dawn book... Is there any other Bosmer in Leyawiin fighters guild? otherwise, I am right about this... or am I?

-Goblin lair 08:59, 11 July 2009

No, he is not one. –Elliot(T-C) 07:06, 11 July 2009 (UTC)
Ah! Ok... well, I see there actually was another Bosmer in the Leyawiin fighters guild... my bad! sorry. :) Goblin lair 09:09, 11 July 2009
You're thinking of Cingor. –rpehTCE 07:51, 11 July 2009 (UTC)
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