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Oblivion Mod:Midas Magic/Quests/Where Tiger

< Mod / Oblivion: Oblivion Mod: Midas Magic

Where Tiger?

This quest can be started by reading On Lycanthropy(1), which can be found in the Midas Magic shop on the bookshelf. The book reads of a Khajiit named Mahma, who apparently took off with some of Midas' things. The book also gives the recipe for Midas Silver Bullet (1 Gold Nugget, 1 Silver Nugget, and 1 Skooma). The book mentions that Mahma was part of the Oht Quam Oht Fraternity. On the second floor (the door will be marked as red) of the Oht Quam Oht Fraternity you will find another On Lycanthropy Book. This book will update your quest. The marker will now show Mahma's location (on the banks of Panther River). The book also contains a spell: Midas Polymorph Weretiger (1 Gold Nugget and 1 Weretiger pelt). Go to the banks of Panther River and Mahma will be there. When you arrive Mahma will attack (because he turned himself into a vicious Weretiger). To kill him you need to use the Midas Silver Bullet spell (otherwise he will just go unconscious). The quest is now complete. On Mahma's corpse you can find the Weretiger pelt, needed for the Midas Polymorph Weretiger spell.