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Oblivion Mod:MMM+OOO Installation Guide/BAIN

< Oblivion Mod:MMM+OOO Installation Guide

Installing MMM+OOO with BAIN...

Prepare ModsEdit

Create BAIN-Friendly PackagesEdit

Before you can use BAIN to install these mods, some of the downloads need to be repackaged. The downloaded archives are in any of the following types of formats: BAIN friendly (simple or BAIN-Ready) and not nicely packaged. Each of the archives will be evaluated, reorganized and converted as needed.

Need to KnowEdit

  • You cannot rename subpackages in the Installers tab.
  • All conversions are done by first extracting the archive to a new (temporary) folder.
  • The 7-zip "extract to <folder name matching archive name>" is convenient for doing this.
  • BAIN keeps track of archives by name. If you need to rename a package, right-click on it and rename it through the context menu.


  • Extract the archive to a temporary folder because using the "extract here" command often ends with a bunch of loose files in whatever folder you extracted the mod archive in.
  • Move newly created archives into the Bash Installers folder in order to allow BAIN to detect them.
    • BAIN cannot do anything with archives within packages or projects.
  • Right-click on the Package header and choose "Open..." to open the Bash Installers folder.
  • When you select multiple items, 7-zip's add to "<archive name>.7z" is the folder's name.
    • If this new archive shares the exact same name as the old archive, when you place it in the Bash Installers folder and overwrite the old archive, you will not have to reposition it in BAIN.

Evaluate and Convert PackagesEdit

It is okay if the names differ.


  • MMM 3.7b3-17784.7z <-- could be converted to BAIN package to facilitate installation
  • MMM 3.7 BSA.7z <-- BSA needs to be renamed
  • Diverse Waterlife Update <-- simple
  • MMMDLCHorseArmorSlofs <-- simple
  • OMOBS <-- simple package
  • OOO 1.33 Complete.7z <-- needs converting to BAIN-Ready package
  • OOO 1.34b5-15256.7z <-- already simple package
  • OBSE G&GD <-- simple package
  • UOMP MOBS <-- simple package
  • UOP <-- simple package
  • UOP Supplementals <-- simple package
  • USIP <-- simple package
  • Enhanced Economy <-- BAIN-ready


If you'd like to repackage the unfriendly-packed packages by hand, but are not sure how, go to the next tab: {{#switchtablink:Prepare Mods - Repackage Steps|Prepare Mods - Repackage Steps}}; otherwise, keep reading.

BCF Application InstructionsEdit

Warning! BCFs only work for the file(s) for which they were made. Make sure you have downloaded the right requirements. Pay attention to version numbers.

  1. Put the -BCF file in Oblivion Mods/Bash Installers/BAIN Converters.
    • If you are unsure of where this folder is located, right-click on the Installers in Bash and choose Open...
  2. Select the original archive(s) in the Installers tab.
    • Hold CTRL to select multiple files.
  3. Right-click on the selection and choose 'Conversions > Apply...'
Note: Oblivion Mod:BAIN Tutorials#Repackage_for_BAIN has more comprehensive instructions.

Prepare Mods - Repackage StepsEdit

Create BAIN-Friendly Packages by HandEdit

Before you can use BAIN to install these mods, some of the downloads need to be repackaged. Each of the downloaded archives that is not in a BAIN-friendly format (appears grey in the Installers tab) will be evaluated, reorganized and converted as needed. These are instructions for one way you could repackage these mods (in this case just OOO 1.33 Complete and MMM 3.7b3) by hand.

MMM 3.73b - Initial EvaluationEdit

...simple-looking package that is not simple at all.

  • Core: MMM ESM
  • Main plugin MMM: MMM ESP
  • Main plugin MMM+Fran: MMMforFran ESP
  • Main plugins MMM+OOO: MMMforOOO ESM, MMMforOOO ESP
  • Modifiers: Diverse XXX, Gems & Dust, Hunting & Crafting, Looting NPCs & Creatures, Resized Races, Zombies for Body Meshes, Durability & Damage, Fran's Leveled Quests SI
  • Loot Concentration: Less Bone Loot, No Bone Loot
  • Reduce Specific Spawns: No <Creature Name> or Less <Creature Name>
  • Spawn Rates: Spawn Rates XXX
  • Miscellaneous: everything else
  • Docs: Readme

MMM 3.73b - ConvertEdit

  1. Create folders: 00 Core, 01 Main MMM, 01 Main MMM+OOO, 01 Main MMM+Fran, 02 Modifiers, 03 Loot Concentration, 04 Reduced Creature Spawns, 05 Spawn Rates, 06 Miscellaneous, 07 Docs
  2. Move "Core" items into "00 Core"
  3. Move the ReadMe into "07 Docs"
  4. Extract DiverseWaterlife Update in "06 Miscellaneous" if necessary.
  5. Repeat step 4 for any updates.
  6. Extract MMM BSA into "00 Core"
  7. Rename the BSA "Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.bsa"
    Notes: SI users can always use the naming convention "DLCShiveringIsles - <bsa name>.bsa" to load BSA files. This naming convention is convenient in case you stop using FCOM and continue to use MMM because you will not have the FCOM_Convergence.esp to load the BSA using the other naming convention, after removing FCOM.
  8. Select all of the numbered folders, right-click and (7-zip) add them to "MMM 37b3.7z."
  9. Move the newly-created archive up into the Bash Installers folder, and delete the temporary folder.

MMM 3.73b - BAIN packageEdit

  • 00 Core
  • 01 Main MMM
  • 01 Main MMM+OOO
  • 01 Main MMM+Fran
  • 02 Modifiers
  • 03 Loot Concentration
  • 04 Reduced Creature Spawns
  • 05 Reduced Spawn Rates
  • 06 Miscellaneous
  • 07 Docs

OOO 1.33 - Initial EvaluationEdit

...too much extra stuff

  • Core: Plugins, Meshes folder, Textures folder, Sound folder
  • Docs: Readme, Changelog, Install Instructions, Options, Complete Readme
  • Other: OOO folder
  • Extras (or junk): update EXE, Icon, OMOD conversion data

OOO 1.33 - ConvertEdit

  1. Create a folder "00 Core Files"
  2. Move "Core" items into "00 Core Files"
  3. Open the OOO folder.
  4. Append "01 " to the beginning of the Full folder and the Lite.
    • using the same number helps indicate only one or the other should be used
    • This FULL OOO ESP is actually just a copy of the one in the main folder
  5. Rename the Add-ons folder "02 Options Only for LITE".
  6. Open the options folder.
  7. Delete the Harvest Flora folder. It is out-dated and buggy.
  8. Append "05 " to the beginning of LE's name.
  9. Append "06 " to the beginning of the Leveled Rates folder.
  10. Move the two folders up one level.
  11. Copy the now five folders to the top level (one folder up.)
  12. Delete the empty OOO folder.
  13. Create three new folders: "02 Options Only for FULL", "03 Compatibility Options" and "04 Other Options"
  14. Move the plugins from the "Other Options" folder into the correct folders:
    • Options FULL: DLT_Remover
    • Options Compat: Container Traps Instant Effects, Magic Script Effect Fix, No Guild Ownership
    • Options Other: Water Weeds, Map Markers Stock
  15. Create a folder "00 Docs"
  16. Drop the "Docs" items into the "00 Docs" folder
  17. Create a folder "06 Extras" (or delete the "junk" items)
  18. Move the "Extras" items into the "07 Extras" folder if you keep these items.
  19. Select the everything, right-click and (7-zip) add them to "OOO 1.33.7z."
  20. Move the newly-created archive up into the Bash Installers folder, and delete the temporary folder.

OOO 1.33 - BAIN packageEdit

  • 00 Core Files
  • 00 Docs
  • 01 Full
  • 01 Lite
  • 02 Options Only for FULL
  • 02 Options Only for LITE
  • 03 Compatibility Options
  • 04 Other Options
  • 05 Living Economy
  • 06 Level Rates Modified
  • (07 Extras)

Install ModsEdit

Organize the PackagesEdit

The actual package numbers may differ, but it is the relative order that matters.

Based on A General Order for Installing Mods.

010 - OMOBS
294 - DLCS
295 - UOP
298 - UOMP
300 - USIP
301 - UOP Supplementals
380 - OOO 1.33
382 - OOO 1.34b5 Patch
383 - OOO updates
384 - OOO add-ons
403 - MMM
404 - MMM updates
405 - MMM add-ons
505 - Enhanced Economy

Configure the packagesEdit

Configure the packages, checking plugins and optional data files subpackages as you wish.

A relative package (install) orderEdit

    • Do not use optional combat settings.
    • Use the SI version or the Vanilla version.
  • UOP
    • leave the plugin checked or you will see yellow
  • UOP Supplemental Hotfix
    • check the plugin
  • (SI) USIP
    • check the plugin
  • OOO 1.33 Complete
    • Do not use the bundled version of Harvest Flora. It has a serious bug that is fixed in the latest version (for which you can find a link in Downloading Mods.)
    • The bundled version of LE is not the latest, but it is works.
    • The latest version of LE is available at TESNexus, but a newer more robust alternative is Enhanced Economy.
    • (Optional) level rate modification
      • As an alternative, Tejon's Progress mod is highly recommended for controlling skill rate progression, but it is incompatible with Oblivion XP.
    • See the OOO ReadMe for information about the different optional modules.
  • OOO 1.34b5 (OOO FULL users)
    • Seriously, do not install the Waterfish plugin if you have a weak CPU. MMM also contains a WaterLife optional module that should be slightly easier on your system, but any real water life-type mod is going to hit the CPU with a lot of AI packages to process.
    • You want a fairly good system to run a bunch of AI adding mods, and any system less than "great" is going to feel the effects of adding extra AI to these overhaul-modded setups. (See the System Requirements page for rough guidelines for how your setup suits modded Oblivion.)
  • OOO 1.33b Lite Patch (OOO LITE users)
  • MMM 3.7b3-17784.7z
    • check the core sub package and the ESM
    • Check the "Main" subpackage for MMM+OOO.
    • DO NOT use the friendlier faction modules
    • DO NOT use diverse imperial armor
    • Using MMM - G&GD may cause crashes.
      Note: G&GD is already included in OOO, but there is a compatible, enhanced, OBSE rewrite of OOO's G&GD system available. It is already OMOD-Ready and BAIN-friendly as well.
    • DO NOT use diverse imperial armor
    • DO NOT use "less XX" and "no XX" for the same enemy type
    • If you want Diverse Runeskulls, use the Loot OOO version.
      Note: This add-on replaces' Exnem's original mod, as those resources are now incorporated into MMM. Use this instead of Exnem's mod and FCOM_ExnemRuneskulls.
    • see the latest MMM ReadMe to get a description of the options.

Install the PackagesEdit

Since they are in the right order you can select all of the packages, click on the selection and choose Install. You can right-click on each individual package and choose Install as well.

See AlsoEdit