Installing FCOM with OBMM...
Prepare ModsEdit
Create OMODsEdit
Before installing, most of these mods need to first be packed into OMODs. The downloaded archives are in any of four types of packages: OMOD-Ready, simple, OMOD and not nicely packaged.
Download OMOD InstallersEdit
Need to KnowEdit
- To add a script to an OMOD you are creating right-click on it, and choose
Edit Script
or "View Script. - If you do not know how to create an OMOD, see OMOD Installation.
Evaluation of the original archivesEdit
- COBL <-- OMOD-ready
- FCOM 9.9 <-- going to use OMOD installer
- FCOM Entropic Order Rebalance <-- going to use OMOD installer
- FCOM Archery for FCOM Real Swords <-- simple package
- UFCOM <-- going to use OMOD installer
- Fran main files <-- needs to be repackaged
- Dark Seducer Weapon Fix <-- simple package
- Loth's Blunt Weapons <-- simple packages but could use a quick script
- MMM 3.7b3-17784.7z <-- going to use OMOD installer
- MMM 3.7 BSA.7z <-- going to use OMOD installer
- MMM Diverse WaterLife Update <-- going to use the OMOD installer
- MMMDLCHorseArmorSlofs <-- simple
- OMOBS <-- could use a quick script
- OOO 1.33 Complete.7z <-- OMOD-ready
- OOO 1.34b5-15256.7z (FULL only) <-- could use a quick script
- OWC archives <-- simple packages
- OBSE G&GD <-- OMOD-ready
- UOMP MOBS <-- could use a quick script
- UOP <-- OMOD
- UOP Supplementals <-- OMOD-ready
- Bob's Armory <-- needs a script
- Bob's Opitimized BSA <-- simple package
- Loth's Blunt Weapons <-- needs a script
- Enhanced Economy <-- OMOD-ready
Pack OMOD-Ready archivesEdit
These downloads already include the OMOD conversion data, which is what OBMM can use to fill out the info files and scripts when creating OMODs from mods packed in archives.
- Enhanced Economy
- OOO 1.33 Complete
- Note: There are uploads on TESNexus that are just the OMOD conversion data to facilitate the creating OMODs for certain mods. Such an upload is often called "XX OMOD Installer" or "XX OMOD Script".
Pack Simple PackagesEdit
These do not have multiple configurations, so just go ahead at pack each one in its own OMOD.
- MMM Updates
- FCOM Archery for FCOM Real Swords
- OWC archives
- Note: If a package is not packed nicely, you can add a script to get around that.
Create OMODs for Those Not Packaged NicelyEdit
Creating OMODs for these requires the addition of scripts, and maybe some repackaging.
Bob's ArmoryEdit
Since you should not use the cheat plugin or the data files (which are already packed in the new BSA) with FCOM, it would be simplest to add a script to stop them from being installed.
DontInstallPlugin "Cheat Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp" DontInstallAnyDataFiles
Loth's Blunt WeaponsEdit
This is a simple package, but it has multiple configuration, of which FCOM only allows one. This script ensures that only plugin FCOM works with is installed.
DontInstallAnyPlugins InstallPlugin "Loth's Blunt Weapons for Npcs.esp"
Remember, you can always add an OMOD script to give you the option of removing options; therefore, when in doubt, add the option.
- Create a temporary folder somewhere
- Windows 7 and Windows Vista users, right-click on
and chooseRun as administrator
. XP users can just double-click the file.- Warning! Any option not mentioned below should not be used
- Change the install directory to the temp folder you just created.
- (Optional) Fran for Shivering Isles.
- SI users do not have to use this module. It is entirely optional.
- This plugin may or may not have conflicts with MMM's SI module, but they are unlikely to be game-breaking conflicts, if they exist.
- (Recommended) Choose Lyrondor's Combat Behavior.
- (Recommended) Choose MOBS.>
- Ensures Fran's new weapons get MOBS stats.
- This is the only exception to FCOM's usage of OMOBS balancing.
- (Recommended) Choose hardcore loot.
- (Not Recommended) Living Economy
- Enhanced Economy (requires OBSE) is the recommended alternative.
- Do NOT use this with other versions of LE. This is a special version tweaked for Fran.
- OOO 1.33 also bundles LE, but it is the regular v3.63 version.
- The latest version of LE can be downloaded from the LE Nexus page.
- Optional Components List...It might be helpfult to uncheck everything before checking anything...
- (Recommended if you chose Fran SI) Optional Chance of More Enemies
- (Recommended if you chose Fran SI) Optional Leveled Guards
- Make Sure the Francesco's New Items Add-on is checked
- Make SURE the Francesco's New Creatures Add-on is NOT checked
- (Recommended) Hardcore Loot
- (Recommended) Lyondor's Combat Behavior
- (Required) Optional Items Add-on
- (Required) Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses
- (Required) Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies
- Make sure all other options are unchecked.
- Make sure you choose separate files. (You can double-check when the planned install summary is presented at the end.)
- (Not Recommended) respawn time, timescale modifications
- Choose the defaults (3 days and 30, respectively) because both of these modifications are replaced by Bashed Patch tweaks (Wrye Bash 2.81+), which also saves plugin slots.
- Timescale can also be adjusted in game with COBL.
- Another timescale alternative is TheNiceOne's Automatic Timescale, which offers dynamic timescaling.
- (Not Recommended) skill rate progression modification
- Choosing the default option is recommended in expectation of using another mod to control skill progression.
- Progress, by Tejon, gives the user the most control over skill rate progression, and for those who don't want to make many changes, the default INI settings are already set to work well for OOO and FCOM setups.
- You must choose default if using Oblivion XP, as it is not compatible with skill progression modifiers.
- Extract the optimised New Items BSA to the temporary folder, and rename the BSA to "FCOM_Convergence_FraNewItems.bsa". (To learn more about how plugin-association loading works see BSAs and Archive Invalidation.)}}
- Move the temporary folder for Fran to some other location (so that the uninstaller does not remove the files).
- Uninstall both parts of Frans mod by running the uninstall executables.
- Create an OMOD using
Add folder
to add the temporary folder containing the Fran files - Delete the empty Fran folder you created.
TheNiceOne has created the OMOD conversion data for the main mod, so there is not much for you to do. Choose "yes" whenever you are prompted during the MMM OMOD creation process.
- Click "Create" (bottom bar)
- Click add archive, and choose the MMM 3.7b3 archive.
- Repeat step #2 for the 3.7 BSA
- Repeat step #2 for the MMM WaterLife update
- Repeat step #2 for the MMM OMOD Installer
- After adding the omod info, many of the info fields should be filled out for the OMOD
- Click "Create OMOD"
The script below allows the user to choose a whether or not to install the optional combat setting plugin during installation.
DontInstallAnyPlugins DontInstallPlugin "OMOBS Optional Combat Settings.esp" If DialogYesNo "Do you want to install the optional combat settings? (OOO already incorporates this. If OOO is installed, choose 'No'.)" "OMOBS" InstallPlugin "OMOBS Optional Combat Settings.esp" EndIf InstallAllPlugins
OOO 1.34b5Edit
This mod contains one optional plugin, and you may not want to install it, so it is best that you make a script in order to avoid the messy process of deleting OBMM-installed plugins.
DontInstallPlugin "OOO-Waterfish.esp" If DialogYesNo "Do you want to install OOO's water fish option? (Warning: It can have a significant affect on FPS. Do not install this if using a weak CPU.)" "OOO 1.34b5" InstallPlugin "OOO-Waterfish.esp" EndIf
This package contains MOBS patches for four of the DLCs.
DontInstallAnyPlugins If DialogYesNo "Do you want to install a MOBS patch for all of the following DLCs: Battlehorn Castle, Mehrunes Razor, Thieves Den and Vile Lair?" "DLC MOBS" InstallPlugin "DLC_MOBS.esp" Else SelectMany "DLC MOBS: Choose DLC(s)", "BattlehornCastle", "ThievesDen", "MehrunesRazor", "VileLair" Case BattlehornCastle InstallPlugin "Battlehorn_mobs.esp" Break Case ThievesDen InstallPlugin "Thievesden_mobs.esp" Break Case MehrunesRazor InstallPlugin "Mehrunes_mobs.esp" Break Case VileLair InstallPlugin "Lair_mobs.esp" Break EndSelect EndIf
Install ModsEdit
Install the Newly-Created OMODsEdit
It can save a lot of time and frustration if you get the installation correct on the first try. If you are installing other mods alongside OOO, reference A General Order for Installing Mods for help. Before installing, see the OOO ReadMe for information about the optional add-ons.
Reminder: Double-click on an OMOD or select it and choose activate
from the bottom of the window to activate (install) the OMOD.
Tip: Hold down CTRL
while clicking Yes
or No
to induce a "Yes to all" or "No to all" response.
A Possible Install OrderEdit
Based on A General Order for Installing Mods.
- Do not use optional combat settings.
- Use the SI version or the Vanilla version.
- DLCs
- choose applicable plugins
- choose applicable plugins
- UOP Supplementals
- Choose any applicable plugins, those that match the plugins you selected in the original unofficial official patches packages.
- Fran 4.5b
- OOO 1.33 Complete
- Do not use the bundled version of Harvest Flora. It has a serious bug that is fixed in the latest version (for which you can find a link in Downloading Mods.)
- The bundled version of LE is not the latest, but it is works.
- The latest version of LE is available at TESNexus, but a newer more robust alternative is Enhanced Economy.
- (Optional) level rate modification
- As an alternative, Tejon's Progress mod is highly recommended for controlling skill rate progression, but it is incompatible with Oblivion XP.
- See the OOO ReadMe for information about the different optional modules.
- OOO 1.34b5
- Seriously, do not install the Waterfish plugin if you have a weak CPU. MMM also contains a WaterLife optional module that should be slightly easier on your system, but any real water life-type mod is going to hit the CPU with a lot of AI packages to process.
- You want a fairly good system to run a bunch of AI adding mods, and any system less than "great" is going to feel the effects of adding extra AI to these overhaul-modded setups. (See the System Requirements page for rough guidelines for how your setup suits modded Oblivion.)
- Oblivion WarCry
- Oblivion WarCry BSA
- MMM 3.7b3
- install for OOO
- DO NOT use the friendlier faction modules
- DO NOT use diverse imperial armor
- Using MMM - G&GD may cause crashes.
- Note: G&GD is already included in OOO, but there is a compatible, enhanced, OBSE rewrite of OOO's G&GD system available. It is already OMOD-Ready and BAIN-friendly as well.
- DO NOT use diverse imperial armor
- DO NOT use "less XX" and "no XX" for the same enemy type
- DO NOT use the general spawn rates plugins, but the specific creatures spawn options are fine.
- If you want Diverse Runeskulls, use the Loot OOO version.
- Note: This add-on replaces' Exnem's original mod, as those resources are now incorporated into MMM. Use this instead of Exnem's mod and FCOM_ExnemRuneskulls.
- see the MMM ReadMe to get a description of the options.
- Bob's Armory (OPTIONAL)
- check the main plugin
- Bob's Armory Optimised BSA (Required if Bob's Armory is installed)
- Loth's Blunt Weapons (OPTIONAL)
- check the "for NPCs" plugin
- DO NOT choose more than ONE spawn rates plugin
- DO NOT choose "less" and "no" for the same enemy type
- DO NOT use FCOM_Ruin.esp. It has been made obsolete with the RTT v3 release.
- DO NOT use FCOM_ExnemRuneskulls.esp with MMM v3.7/UFCOM. Use MMM's "Diverse Runeskulls - Loot OOO.esp" instead.
- For the most basic install core FCOM (FCOM_Covergence plugins and FCOM_FrancescosXXX plugins), OWC (which is core at this point), Francesco's Named Bosses and FCOM_RealSwords.esp
- FCOM Archery for FCOM Real Swords (OPTIONAL)
- Enhanced Economy (OPTIONAL)
- See the "Installation" section of its Nexus page for installation instructions.
Sanity CheckEdit
- Make sure that the MMM BSA has been renamed (is not named MMM.BSA). It should be renamed to something along the lines of
orDLCShiveringIsles - MMM.bsa