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Oblivion:Divining the Elder Scolls

< Oblivion: Items: Notes: Books(Redirected from Oblivion:Divining the Elder Scrolls)
Book Information
Divining the Elder Scolls
ID 0000a254
SeeĀ Also Lore version
Value 50 Weight 0.1
Related to Ahdarji's Heirloom
Found in the following locations:
Divining the Elder Scolls
A fragment of information about the nature of the Elder Scrolls

Although the title is presumably supposed to be "Elder Scrolls", it is misspelled as "Elder Scolls". The misspelling is repeated in the second sentence.

...of night. The Elder ScollsĀ [sic] themselves can pierce the veil. They offer a view of the flux of Time itself. The prophet who reads the scroll sees one version of what might be. Another prophet might have a different vision with equal veracity. The price for insight is the reader's sight. He is struck blind and...