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Morrowind talk:Odirniran (place)

extra roomEdit

There is an area to Odirniran that is inaccessible to the player, but does contain 2 hostiles. I found this out when wearing the Redas Robe of Deeds and there remained 2 black circles on the map. I used the TCL console command to walk from the area with the House Hlaalu members through the walls to the extra room, but it has no door or other way to access it. Kinda strange, to make a room with 2 hostiles in it but forget to connect it to the rest of the area. Pinguin333 11:39, 19 December 2008 (EST)

You have to understand this game is from the same people who "forgot" to put a second daedric pauldron into the game and the people who didn't even fix all their mistakes with their patches. There are 2 possibilities as to how this happened. It could have been intended for an unfinished quest (bit unlikely), or they forgot to connect the areas (high probability).--penguin0719TalkContribs11:53, 19 December 2008 (EST)
I'm surrounded by penguins! Anyhow, another possibility is that this was done intentionally for ambience purposes. You can actually hear the moans of these undead creatures when you walk around in the halls above them. (Usually, this sort of thing is done with sound activators, but maybe this location was designed before that feature was added or something.) Additionally, sound activators don't trigger your Detect Creatures effects, and they don't prevent you from sleeping. (The game registers that there is danger nearby, and has no way of knowing that those creatures are not actually a threat in their current location.) Granted, if I were going to do this in a mod (and I have), I'd cover the whole room with black squares so it doesn't show on the map. And I probably wouldn't decorate it with wall sconces and scattered bones. (The presence of these items makes it more likely that one of Penguin's theories is correct, but you never know.) --TheRealLurlock Talk 13:22, 19 December 2008 (EST)
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