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Morrowind talk:Guild of Mages (Balmora)

Container OwnershipEdit

I noticed while looking around with the ToggleFullHelp (TFH) console command that most of the objects and containers in Balmora's Mages Guild simply belong to "Mages Guild - Associate", similar to a guild supply chest. This means that as soon as you join the Mages Guild, you can store items in most of the containers (the wardrobe on the bottom floor and both of Ajira's desks for instance) and take them out without being expelled or having them marked as stolen. (You can also take a few of the miscellaneous items sitting around, but none of the unowned items are worth anything.)

This is distinctive from the other guild halls, where the resident head of each guild hall (Edwinna, Skink, Trebonius, etc...) owns all the containers and all the non-specific items that are lying around. As such, using any container in the other guild halls counts as stealing--except for Balmora, which has some safe storage.

Note that you can just store stuff in one of the crates outside the guild for the same effect (since they're also unowned), but storing them inside the guild is more convenient if you're in the faction, as the containers are closer to a bed, merchants and the guild guide.

Vellup (talk) 09:37, 21 June 2014 (GMT)


Why is this page a stub whilst this page with the same ammount of information on it isn't? Should the stub marker be removed? --Goblin lair 22:11, 26 October 2010

Now that this page contains mention of the beds, it has as much info as the Fighter page. It could probably be de-stubbed. --Brf 20:21, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
Agreed. Done. rpeh •TCE 20:49, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
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