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Morrowind Mod:AFFresh/All the Little Things

< Mod / Morrowind: Morrowind Mod: AFFresh
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Collect a few little things for Clagius Clanler in Balmora
Quest Giver: Clagius Clanler in Balmora
Location(s): Balmora
Reward: 250 gold, Limeware Flask
ID: AF_LittleThings, AF_LittleThings_Misc, AF_LittleThings_Pots, AF_LittleThings_Silver

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Clagius Clanler in his shop in Balmora about a selection of oddments.
  2. Deliver to Clagius the items mentioned in Clagius' Shopping List.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

All the Little Things (AF_LittleThings)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Clagius Clanler in Balmora gave me a list of silverware, pots, and various other items. He promises to pay me 250 drakes if I find all the items.
100 Finishes quest  I completed the shopping list for Clagius and he gave me the 250 drakes he promised and a limeware flask.
All the Little Things (AF_LittleThings_Misc)
100 I turned in the brooms, buckets, tankards, papers, and spools to Clagius.
All the Little Things (AF_LittleThings_Pots)
100 I turned in the redware cups, redware vases, ceramic bowls, large redware bowls, and blue clay pots to Clagius.
All the Little Things (AF_LittleThings_Silver)
100 I turned in the silverware forks, spoons, and knives to Clagius.