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Morrowind:Vala Catraso

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Quests: not written

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Vala Catraso (vala catraso)
Home City Ald'ruhn
Location Guild of Mages
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 4 Class Priest
Other Information
Health 52 Magicka 88
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Vala Catraso

Vala Catraso, an Imperial priestess, is found behind the podium in the bottom level of the Ald'ruhn Mages Guild where she is on a mission to spread literacy to the Dunmer while teaching them the history of the Empire. She is also very knowledgeable about the various creatures you can find in Morrowind, and can offer you a great deal of information about them.

Vala wears an expensive robe with matching shoes, amulet, and two rings. Aside from her natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, she knows the following spells: Detect Key, Regenerate, Variable Resist Shock, Variable Resist Poison, Variable Resist Magicka, Variable Resist Frost, Variable Resist Fire, Variable Resist Common Disease, Rilm's Cure, Cure Common Disease, Shield, Ondusi's Open Door, Wild Open, Strong Open, Great Open, and Burden.

Related QuestsEdit


  • Initial Greeting
    • "Hello, %PCName. My name is Vala Catraso, and I run a little class for outlanders new to Morrowind. You may find it easier to get along here if you know a little about Morrowind lore. I'm also a priest, and I'd be happy to talk to you about my trade."
  • Greeting
    • "Hello, %PCName. Are you hoping to study a little Morrowind lore with the rest of the class?"
  • Daedric summonings
    • "Certain Daedric summonings are more often encountered on Vvardenfell. Good Daedra are the Daedra associated with Boethiah, Azura, and Mephala -- the winged twilight and the hunger. Bad Daedra are associated with Mehrunes Dagon, Malacath, Sheogorath, and Molag Bal. Atronachs are unaligned Daedra of the elemental planes. But don't judge a summoning by its patron. The summoner commands a summoning, and, good or bad, nice or nasty, they must do the summoner's bidding."
    • Bad Daedra
      • "The four Bad Daedra, according to the Temple, are Molag Bal, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, and Sheogorath. Bad Daedra include Molag Bal's servant, the daedroth; Malacath's servant, the ogrim; Mehrunes Dagon's servant, the scamp, the dremora, and the clannfear; and Sheogorath's servant, the golden saint."
    • Atronachs
      • "Atronachs encountered here are of three elemental domains: flame atronachs, or fire daedra; frost atronachs, or frost daedra; and storm atronachs, also called storm daedra."
      • flame atronach
        • "The flame atronach is a powerful Daedric summoning associated with elemental fire. Crystalline elemental fire compounds called fire salts may be salvaged from the remains of banished fire atronachs."
      • frost atronach
        • "The frost atronach is a powerful Daedric summoning associated with elemental frost. Crystalline elemental frost compounds called frost salts may be salvaged from the remains of banished frost atronachs."
      • storm atronach
        • "The storm atronach is a powerful Daedric summoning associated with elemental lightning. Crystalline elemental shock compounds called shock salts may be salvaged from the remains of banished storm atronachs."
    • clannfear
      • "The clannfear is a fierce, green, lizardlike bipedal Daedric summoning. Daedra hearts have modest magical properties, and are prized by alchemists."
    • Daedroth
      • "The daedroth are the crocodile-headed Daedric minions of the Daedra Lord Molag Bal. Daedra hearts have modest magical properties, and are also available at reasonable prices and with considerably less excitement from alchemists."
    • dremora
      • "The Dremora are a class of intelligent, powerful war spirits in the service of the Daedra Lord Mehrunes Dagon. Daedra hearts have modest magical properties."
    • golden saints
      • "These magical winged females are spawn of Sheogorath. Their hearts have modest magical properties."
    • hunger
      • "The hunger is one of the many voracious servants of the Daedra Lord Boethiah. Daedra hearts have modest magical properties."
    • ogrim
      • "Ogrim are massive, powerful, dimly intelligent servants of the Daedra Lord Malacath. Daedra hearts have modest magical properties, but you have to dig through a lot of Daedra to get at an ogrim's heart."
    • Scamp
      • "The scamp is a weak, cowardly servant of Mehrunes Dagon. Scamps may be summoned by conjurers, and their skin is sought by alchemists for its magical properties."
    • winged twilight
      • "The winged twilight are the female-formed Daedric messengers of the Daedra Lord Azura. Daedra hearts have modest magical properties."
  • Dagoth Ur's servants
    • "These are the monstrous servants of Dagoth Ur known by name to natives of Vvardenfell. Corprus beasts include the corprus stalker and the lame corprus. Lesser Dagoth followers include the ash slave and ash zombie. The greatest, most feared of Dagoth Ur's servants are the ash ghoul, the ascended sleeper, and the ash vampire."
    • ascended sleeper
      • "The ascended sleepers are distorted, half-human, half-beast creatures transformed by a mysterious force into powerful magical beings. Ascended sleepers are highly intelligent, aggressive, and dangerous. Ascended sleepers are associated in some way with the Devil Dagoth Ur."
    • ash ghoul
      • "The ash ghoul is a distorted, half-human, half-beast creature transformed by a mysterious force into a powerful magical being. Ash ghouls are highly intelligent, aggressive, and dangerous. Ash ghouls are associated in some way with the Devil Dagoth Ur."
    • ash slave
      • "The ash slave is a humanoid creature transformed by a mysterious force into a deranged beast. These creatures are aggressive and dangerous. Ash slaves are associated in some way with the Devil Dagoth Ur."
    • ash vampire
      • "Ash vampires are immortal magical beings of vast powers. Close kin and loyal lieutenants of the Devil Dagoth Ur, they partake of his supernatural vitality."
    • Ash Zombie
      • "The ash zombie is a humanoid creature transformed by a mysterious force into a deranged beast. Though their skulls are apparently empty, these creatures are nonetheless intelligent, aggressive, and dangerous. Ash zombies are associated in some way with the Devil Dagoth Ur."
    • Corprus Stalker
      • "Corprus stalkers are the deformed, deranged victims of corprus disease. Aggressive and dangerous, they also carry corprus disease, a deadly disease profoundly affecting a victim's mind and body."
    • lame corprus
      • "The lame corprus is a deformed, deranged victim of corprus disease. Aggressive and dangerous, they carry corprus disease, a deadly disease profoundly affecting a victim's mind and body."
  • disease
    • "In Morrowind you worry about three kinds of disease -- common disease, blight disease, and corprus disease. Common disease isn't so bad. You can get cured at shrines or temples easily -- but you need to get cured, or people don't want to talk with you. Blight disease is more serious, and potions and cures are harder come by. Corprus disease can't be cured. And some say vampirism is a disease. But the only cure for a vampire is destroying it. Policy on vampires is 'kill on sight.' Or 'run on sight.'"
    • blight disease
      • "The four blight diseases I've seen here on Vvardenfell are ash-chancre, chanthrax, black-heart, ash woe. They are all contracted from blighted creatures or from exposure to blight storms. You don't have to worry about blights storms unless you're entering the Red Mountain region. You need resistance to blight disease protections to go there."
    • common disease
      • "There are sixteen common diseases I've encountered on Vvardenfell: rockjoint, helljoint, witbane, chills, serpiginous dementia, greenspore, dampworm, rust chancre, droops, ataxia, wither, swamp fever, collywobbles, brown rot, yellow tick, rattles. We group their effects in three levels: mild, serious, and acute. Serious and acute are more dangerous, of course, but none of them are fatal. But you must get them cured, or they weaken you, and people won't want to talk to you."
    • corprus disease
      • "Corprus is a rare form of blight disease. Sometimes crusaders get it from fighting corprus monsters inside the Ghostfence. We can't cure it. Victims are sent to the Corprusarium beneath Tel Fyr, the tower of the Telvanni wizard Divayth Fyr. Victims go mad, and the body becomes fat and distorted with unnatural growths. It is always fatal. Sometimes it progresses slowly, sometimes in a matter of days."
  • undead creatures
    • "Undead creatures encountered on Vvardenfell include ghosts like the ancestor ghost, guardian ancestor, wraith, dwarven ghost, dwarven guardian, and dwarven wraith. A fleshy revenant is called a bonewalker, and includes the bonewalker and the greater bonewalker. Fleshless revenants include skeletons, skeleton archers, skeleton warriors, skeleton champions, and bonelords. Vampires, profane undead creatures, have been hunted almost to extinction."
    • bonelord
      • "The Bonelord is a revenant that protects the tombs of clan and kin. Bonemeal, the finely ground powder made from the bones of the skeleton minions, has modest magical properties."
    • Bonewalker
      • "Bonewalkers defend the tombs of clan and kin. Bonewalkers are aggressive but not very dangerous. Bonemeal is a finely ground powder with modest magical properties made from the bones of the bonewalker."
    • greater bonewalker
      • "Greater bonewalkers defend the tombs of clan and kin. Greater bonewalkers are aggressive and dangerous. Bonemeal is a finely ground powder with modest magical properties made from the bones of the bonewalker."
    • dwarven ghost
      • "Dwarven ghosts are encountered in the ancient abandoned Dwemer ruins. They are aggressive and dangerous, but ectoplasm, a filmy residue that remains after the revenant spirit of a Dwemer has been banished from the mortal plane, is a rare, valuable substance with modest magical properties. Normal weapons do not harm them; only enchanted or silver weapons or deadly spells affect them."
    • skeleton
      • "The skeleton is a revenant that protects the tombs of clan and kin. Bonemeal, the finely ground powder made from the bones of the skeleton, has modest magical properties."
    • vampirism
      • "I've heard some say that vampirism is a disease. But no temple or cult has ever been able to cure it, and I've never heard of a mage's spell that could cure it. But I admit, I've never encountered a vampire, and never thought about how to treat one. I think I'd be more worried about getting away from one than curing it. And I don't know how it is in the rest of the Empire, but here we know vampires are terribly dangerous, and evil, and we'd destroy them on sight if we could."
    • wraith
      • "Wraiths are revenant spirits that commonly defend the tombs of clan and kin, but may also be summoned and controlled by sorcerers. Wraiths are aggressive and very dangerous. Ectoplasm is a filmy residue with modest magical properties that remains after a revenant spirit has been banished from the mortal plane."

Books for ValaEdit

  • history books:
    • "Yes, we are always looking for more history books. The students wear them out so fast. They don't always understand that the pages are only for reading, I'm always looking for donations of all four volumes of "Brief History of the Empire.""
    • "You have a complete set of "A Brief History of the Empire" to donate to the school?"
      • Yes, here they are "These are exquisite! I've never seen their equal, %PCName. Where did you get them?"
        • I stole them from Odral Selvi. [Disposition +20. Odral's History of the Empire 1 has been removed to your inventory. Odral's History of the Empire 2 has been removed to your inventory. Odral's History of the Empire 3 has been removed to your inventory. Odral's History of the Empire 4 has been removed to your inventory.] "I'll just pretend I didn't hear that last thing you said, whatever it was. Thank you for the books, %PCName."
        • Consider them a gift from the Bal Molagmer. [Disposition +20. Odral's History of the Empire 1 has been removed to your inventory. Odral's History of the Empire 2 has been removed to your inventory. Odral's History of the Empire 3 has been removed to your inventory. Odral's History of the Empire 4 has been removed to your inventory.] "The Bal Molagmer? Well, with all due respect to this generous gift, I think I probably know more about that than you do. I've heard stories of their return, but you do not wear their trappings. These books are in excellent condition, %PCName. They should last at least a few months." OR [Disposition +20. Odral's History of the Empire 1 has been removed to your inventory. Odral's History of the Empire 2 has been removed to your inventory. Odral's History of the Empire 3 has been removed to your inventory. Odral's History of the Empire 4 has been removed to your inventory.] "The Bal Molagmer? I have heard rumors of their return, and now this. Those gloves are priceless, I hope you know. I don't know what to say. Thank you for the books, these should last at least a few months."
    • "Those last books you brought me haven't worn out yet."
      • No, nevermind "If you change your mind, I'll be here."

Literacy CampaignEdit

  • people cannot read:
    • "Have you brought me books for my students?"
      • "Yes, here they are."
        • "These will be of more help than you know, %PCName. I am grateful."
      • "No."
        • "Obviously you do not really care about my school or the literacy of the Dunmer. How can Morrowind truly be a part of the Empire when most Dunmer cannot read and know little of our common culture?"
    • "Thank you for bringing me the books, %PCName."
  • literacy
    • "Literacy is fundamental to the Empire. If the Empire wants to keep Morrowind, we must teach the Dunmer to read. And we must teach them about our common heritage."


The people of Morrowind may recommend you speak with Vala if you ask them for a little advice:

  • "Vala Catraso at the Ald'ruhn Guild of Mages runs a little class for new arrivals in Vvardenfell. And, by the way, she is also happy to talk about her vocation as priest."