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< Lore: People: H
Master Hiomaste
Race Unknown Gender Male
Resided in Moliva

Master Hiomaste was an archer of great renown. Hiomaste used his skills in a long life of military service before retiring to the Valenwood village of Moliva.[1] Despite being retired, Hiomaste opened a school where he would take in students to impart his masterful knowledge of archery.[1] The word spread causing pupils all across the province, and even Tamriel to travel to the school, including the Dunmer of Vvardenfell, Missun Akin.[1]

Moliva was the closest village to estate of the Duchess of Woda, an Imperial woman whose family had lorded over the estate even before the days of the Empire.[1] The Duchess was not fond of the village and she and her sister Lady Villea implored the Mayor of Moliva and Master Hiomaste to vacate the territory.[2]

Hiomaste informed the Duchess that she did not own the forest and never would, and that he would not move his school.[2] In retaliation, the Duchess had the village and the school set to fire killing many innocents including Master Hiomaste.[2] Missun Akin, the Dunmer pupil of Hiomaste did not take kindly to this, and avenged his master by killing the Duchess with a well placed ebony arrow.[2]

Missun returned to Vvardenfell and kept Hiomaste's legacy alive by becoming a master trainer of archery in his own right in the stronghold of Falasmaryon.[2][3] The village of Moliva was also rebuilt.[2]
