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Lore:Crown of Ascension

< Lore: Artifacts: C
The Crown of Ascension

The Crown of Ascension is an ancient Barsaebic Ayleid artifact. In appearance it is a simple crown, although it once supposedly possessed powerful enchantments. It is considered a treasure of great value.[1]


The Crown of Ascension was created by the Fenlords, Ayleid necromancer kings who once ruled over Black Marsh in the First Era.[1] The Fenlords were Barsaebic Ayleids, a subculture that emerged from the exiled Aedra-worshipping Ayleids who were driven out of Cyrodiil following the Scouring of Wendelbek in 1E 198.[2] The Fenlords eventually faded from history, possibly due to being overrun by the forces of Saint Alessia during their assaults on the Ayleids of Black Marsh.[1][3] Other sources contradict this, claiming that the Barsaebics were spared from the Alessian pogroms.[4] Some say the Fenlords created the Crown of Ascension and left Nirn forever.[1]

The Crown was ultimately lost to the ages in the depths of Gandranen Ruins, an Ayleid tomb and library located in the Venomous Fens of southwestern Shadowfen. The ruin's treasures were well guarded by the undead servants of the Fenlords, who were executed and cursed by their former masters to protect their tombs for eternity after a failed uprising. Over time, the very nature of the Crown was forgotten. Some claimed it was a jewel-encrusted crown that reveals all places and possibilities at once. Others believed the Crown was actually a tomb, where the Fenlords were said to have encased themselves in ice to wait out the long ages.[1]

Circa 2E 582, a Khajiit treasure hunter named Zahra journeyed to Gandranen to discover the location of the Crown, and possibly to recover it if it was small enough to transport. Zahra was unable to overcome the undead guardians, and enlisted the aid of the Vestige to explore the ruin's interior. After facing an undead mummified Fenlord in the depths of the ruins, the two eventually found and recovered the Crown.[5] Zahra subsequently brought the Crown to Alten Corimont to be appraised by the compatriots of Captain One-Eye. Although the Crown's enchantments were greatly diminished, it was still found to be an object worthy of study. The pirates of Alten Corimont found a buyer in Morrowind and agreed to take it off her hands.[1]
