Battlespire, originally intended to fill the gap between the releases Daggerfall and Morrowind, was a much more focused RPG that concentrated on action rather than the intricate plotting and guild interaction which was the strength of the earlier Arena and Daggerfall. It was also an attempt to prove that a small, tightly focused game could be completed within six months by a small team. In our case the team totalled 6 people and when all was said and down it really took 9 months. It was released towards the end of 1997. At the time of writing that's going on 20 years ago.
As this was a large game and I was lucky enough to have been able to participate in so many aspects, I've broken this web page down in 3 other sub pages:
Character work the Box Artwork and the Texture Work.
Character Work The characters and monsters were all built, textured and animated using Alias.
Click on the graphic to the left to view more of them.
Image copyright Bethesda Softworks
Box Artwork
I was involved in modeling and animating all the monsters and characters, interface design, Box-cover design, Manual design, sale sheet design, texture work and was lead artist on the project and also Art director for Bethesda at the time. It was a very busy time for all of us but by the end of the project we had formed a very good working team.
Click on the cover to the left to view for information
Texture Work
I was responsible for most of the texture work in Battlespire. We tried to create a dark and realistic looking environment.
Click on the image to the right to see more information.
Image copyright Bethesda Softworks
Screen Shots A sample of screen shots taken from the game work in Battlespire. We tried to create a dark and realistic looking environment.
Click on the image to the right to view more information.
Image copyright Bethesda Softworks
Characters The characters and monsters were all built, textured and animated using Alias. Click on the graphic to the left to view more of them.
Image copyright Bethesda Softworks 1997
Characters The characters and monsters were all built, textured and animated using Alias. Click on the graphic to the left to view more of them.
Image copyright Bethesda Softworks 1997
Characters The characters and monsters were all built, textured and animated using Alias.
Click on the graphic to the left to view more of them.
Image copyright Bethesda Softworks 1997