Daggerfall Mod:Daggerfall Unity/JayH's Character Creation Guide
< Mod / Daggerfall: Daggerfall Mod: Daggerfall Unity
Daggerfall Unity changes some aspects of character skills, attributes, and resistances that impact character creation. Classic Daggerfall provides some methods of overpowering characters that cannot be used in Daggerfall Unity. Therefore, this guide intends to provide meaningful guidance to create a Daggerfall Unity character using the Custom Class Creator.
The WarriorEdit
Race: Redguard (receives an extra bonus to-hit chance every 3 levels gained)
- Strength 75
- Intelligence 25
- Willpower 25
- Agility 25
- Endurance 75
- Personality 50
- Speed 75
- Luck 50
Primary SkillsEdit
- Long Blade
- Dodging
- Critical Strike
Major SkillsEdit
- Restoration
- Mysticism
- Running
Minor SkillsEdit
- Climbing
- Swimming
- Jumping
- Medical
- Mercantile
- Stealth
Max Hit Points per LevelEdit
- 30
Special AdvantagesEdit
- Expertise in Long Blade
- Immunity to Poison
- Increased Magery 3x Int
Special DisadvantagesEdit
- Forbidden Weaponry Axe
- Forbidden Weaponry Blunt Weapon
- Forbidden Weaponry Hand to Hand
- Forbidden Weaponry Short Blade
- Critical Weakness to Shock
Background QuestionsEdit
- Try to focus on long blade and combat as much as you can. If asked about "most trouble," choose "staying awake and alert." The ebony dagger will not help you.
Attribute RefinementEdit
- Get your Speed as close to 100 as humanly possible.
- Your second priority is Strength, which should be above 80.
- As long as your Personality is above 50, people should answer you decently most of the time.
Skill RefinementEdit
- Dump all Primary points into Long Blade.
- Dump all Major points into Mysticism.
- Dump all Minor points into your choice of Medical, Mercantile, or Swimming.
Upon beginning the game the UESP walkthrough for Privateer's Hold will suffice.
The First TownEdit
Find a Mages Guild at the town of your choice and buy or create a Teleport (Recall) spell, a Free Action spell (for paralysis) and a Regenerate Health spell. Your Regenerate Health spell should be weak enough that you can cast it several times before resting. Use it during and after combat to heal.
If you try to join the Mages Guild and they reject you, it's because your faction reputation is too low for some reason.
After this point the other UESP guides on playing Daggerfall will work.
The MageEdit
Race: High Elf
- Strength 50
- Intelligence 75
- Willpower 25
- Agility 25
- Endurance 50
- Personality 50
- Speed 75
- Luck 50
Primary SkillsEdit
- Destruction
- Mysticism
- One weapon skill of your choice
Major SkillsEdit
- Restoration
- Alteration
- Thaumaturgy
Minor SkillsEdit
- Illusion
- Dodging
- Running
- Medical
- Mercantile
- Stealth
Max Hit Points per LevelEdit
- 30
Special AdvantagesEdit
- Increased Magery 3x Int
- Immunity to Poison
- Expertise in (chosen weapon skill)
Special DisadvantagesEdit
- Forbidden Weaponry (every other weapon skill)
- Critical Weakness to Shock
Background QuestionsEdit
- Try to focus on Destruction magic as much as you can. If asked about "most trouble," choose "staying awake and alert." The ebony dagger is useful if you picked Short Blade but it only does 5 to 9 damage per hit; its power is often wildly overstated.
Attribute RefinementEdit
- Get your Intelligence as close to 100 as humanly possible.
- Your second priority is Speed, which should be above 80.
- Strength does not matter tremendously yet, though you will want to improve it after Speed.
- As long as your Personality is above 30, people should answer you decently most of the time.
Skill RefinementEdit
- Dump all Primary points into Destruction.
- Dump all Major points into Restoration.
- Dump all Minor points into your choice of Medical, Mercantile, or Running.
Upon beginning the game the UESP walkthrough for Privateer's Hold will suffice. Use your weapon to fight your way out. Do not attempt to use the game's starting spells to kill enemies.
The First TownEdit
Find a Mages Guild at the town of your choice and buy or create the following spells:
- A Teleport (Recall) spell
- A Regenerate Health spell. Your Regenerate Health spell should be weak enough that you can cast it several times before resting.
- A Continuous Damage spell, on Touch. Make it weak enough that you can cast it several times before resting. Cast it on an enemy and then run away, letting the spell do the damage for you.
- A Water Breathing and Water Walking spell.
- A Levitate spell.
As your spell skills increase, make more powerful versions of Regenerate Health and Continuous Damage.
If you try to join the Mages Guild and they reject you, it's because your faction reputation is too low for some reason.
After this point the other UESP guides on playing Daggerfall will work.