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Daggerfall Mod:DFRemake/DFELibrary - Arch3d.bsa

< Mod / Daggerfall: Daggerfall Mod: DFRemake

Arch3d.bsa contains 10251 3d object files which are used to build dungeon/location blocks.

General Design NotesEdit

  • The arch3d file directory will be loaded the first time a 3d object is requested.
  • One 3d object will be loaded at a time.
  • Objects will be accessed/loaded by their directory value (DWORD).

Error CodesEdit

The following table lists the Arch3d.bsa related error codes:

Error Code Value Description
DFERR_BAD3DOBJECT -701 The given 3D object file has an invalid format.
DFERR_NO3DOBJECT -702 There is no current 3d object loaded!
