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Daggerfall Mod:DFRemake/DFEGet3dObjectMesh

< Mod / Daggerfall: Daggerfall Mod: DFRemake(Redirected from Daggerfall:DFRemake/DFEGet3dObjectMesh)

integer DFEGet3dObjectMesh ( DWORD MemblockPtr )Edit


  • MemblockPtr: The pointer to the memblock from the GET MEMBLOCK PTR command.


Returns DFERR_SUCCESS on success and the appropriate error code on failure.


This function creates a memblock object from the currently loaded DF 3d object. Use DFEGet3dObjectSize to allocate a memblock of the required size.


This function does not create objects with textures but it can be used for wireframe model testing. It is much simpler than the other functions for object creation which require multiple calls and limb assembly.


Local ErrResult as integer

make memblock 1, DFEGet3dObjectSize()
ErrResult = DFEGet3dObjectMesh(get memblock ptr(1))
if (ErrResult <> DFERR_SUCCESS) then End