Name |
Type |
Dungeon Modules |
Ruins of Old Elyzolda's Hovel |
Barbarian Stronghold |
13 |
The Tower of Ashham |
Barbarian Stronghold |
11 |
Hearthford's Hold |
Spider Nest |
10 |
Tower Kingham |
Giant Stronghold |
8 |
The Fortress of Hearthfield |
Spider Nest |
8 |
The Greenfield Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Castle Moorwing |
Human Stronghold |
11 |
Ruins of Old Elayne's Farm |
Spider Nest |
8 |
Castle Coppercroft |
Laboratory |
11 |
The Roost of Hezirrog |
Harpy Nest |
8 |
Ruins of Buckingcroft Palace |
Vampire Haunt |
10 |
Ruins of Copperhouse's Guard |
Giant Stronghold |
8 |
The Fortress of Woodton |
Vampire Haunt |
8 |
Lord Stadezon's Barrow |
Crypt |
10 |
The Mastering Graveyard |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Ruins of Ashham Hall |
Harpy Nest |
12 |
Ruins of Hawkhart Grange |
Spider Nest |
10 |
Dunywyr Laboratory |
Laboratory |
10 |
The Rodistair Quarry |
Mine |
8 |
The Graves of Buckingsley |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
The Citadel of Greenham |
Ruined Castle |
11 |
The Gromdon Aerie |
Harpy Nest |
11 |
Ruins of Yeomwing Palace |
Vampire Haunt |
8 |
Ruins of Mastercroft Manor |
Giant Stronghold |
10 |
Ruins of The Wicking Cabin |
Ruined Castle |
12 |
The Hold of Buckingsmith |
Giant Stronghold |
8 |
The Laboratory of Edwywyr |
Laboratory |
12 |
The Fortress of Ashsley |
Harpy Nest |
8 |
The Vermphang Mews |
Harpy Nest |
13 |
The Gaering Cemetery |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Castle Wickfield |
Mine |
12 |
The Laboratory of Mordyval |
Laboratory |
13 |
Ruins of Moorcroft Manor |
Coven |
13 |
The Stronghold of Ashfield |
Coven |
8 |
Ruins of Moorford Manor |
Giant Stronghold |
13 |
Ruins of Old Chrystorya's Place |
Vampire Haunt |
10 |
The Citadel of Moorston |
Ruined Castle |
10 |
The Stronghold of Hawkcroft |
Ruined Castle |
13 |
The Tower of Coppersly |
Barbarian Stronghold |
13 |
The Stronghold of Kingston |
Mine |
8 |
The Citadel of Hawkfield |
Human Stronghold |
8 |
The Greenton Graveyard |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |