Category:MetaTemplate-Test pages
This page includes all test pages used by MetaTemplate. It also serves as a test page for the <catpagetemplate> function.
Pages in category "MetaTemplate-Test pages"
The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total.
- Test Upgrade (8,132 bytes)
(test: This is a test.)
- Catpagetemplate (407 bytes)
- Define (1,554 bytes)
- If (80 bytes)
- Inherit (89 bytes)
- Listsaved (256 bytes)
- Load (72 bytes)
- Load2 (1,076 bytes)
- Local (515 bytes)
- NESTLEVEL (345 bytes)
- Preload (363 bytes)
- Preview (553 bytes)
- Return (226 bytes)
- Save (61 bytes)
(test: This is a test.) - Savemarkup (333 bytes)
- Savemarkup 2 (17 bytes)
- SavemarkupSub (1,698 bytes)
- SaveSub (2,479 bytes)
(test: This is a test.) - Unset (642 bytes)