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Better Cities:Ranven Bellenus

< Mod / Oblivion: Better Cities: People
Ranven Bellenus
(RefID: xx18856F)
Home City Imperial City, Temple District
House Glabrio Bellenus' House
Race Breton Gender Female
Level 11 Class Herald
RefID xx18856F BaseID xx00BB53
Other Information
Health 130 Magicka 382
Respons. 80 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Bellenus Family; IC Citizens; Office Workers
Ranven Bellenus

Ranven Bellenus is a Breton herald who lives in the Imperial City Temple District with her husband Glabrio Bellenus.

She gets up at 7am every morning and eats breakfast for two hours, then goes to work at the Admiralty. She goes home at 6pm to eat dinner, then does housework before going to bed at 11pm.

Ranven wears a black velvet dress, blue suede shoes, a silver necklace, and a silver sapphire ring. She carries keys to the house and office, and a moderate amount of gold.

The house is located in the southwest part of the Temple District, along the outer wall. The lower floor is a dining room dominated by a banquet table and chairs; a bookcase along the wall holds various dishes. The upper floor has a double bed, large and small desks, and a sitting area with two chairs and a low table.

Aside from rumors, she has nothing to say.