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Blacksmiths run equipment stores. They sell weapons and armor and will buy weapons, armor, and magic items. Blacksmiths can also repair weapons, armor, and charged magic items (marks, crystals, bracers, rings, and artifacts). Repairing items takes time, and quicker repairs are more expensive. Conversely, the longer you can afford to wait, the cheaper the repair will be.

Buying from BlacksmithEdit

Blacksmiths in Equipment Stores offer a variety of weapons and armor for the player and provide a great deal of dialogue in the process:

Selecting item for purchase
  • "Me [NPC name]. Me welcome you. You want cheap [Item/Service]? [sic]"
  • "My services cheapest in whole [sic] realm."
  • "Only [Amount of gold] gold for that... Maybe [NPC name] work for you. [sic]"
  • "You want great [Item/Service], you trust [NPC name]."
  • "Only [Amount of gold] gold... Me [NPC name]. Me have the best [Item/Service] me know. [sic]"
  • "Me want [Amount of gold] gold and [Item/Service] is yours... My name,[NPC name]. I have great [Item/Service]. [sic]"
  • "I will sell [Item/Service] for only [Amount of gold] gold... You are [sic] great leader. This is a great [Item/Service]. I will give to you for only [Amount of gold] gold...
  • "I want to help [sic] great leader such as you. My name is [NPC name] and I have a wonderful [Item/Service]. I will sell it to you for [Amount of gold] gold..."
  • "[NPC name] is my name. I'll sell you a [Item/Service] for only [Amount of gold] gold... You want a good [Item/Service]?"
  • "Well, I'm the best blacksmith in town. You pay me [Amount of gold] gold and this [Item/Service] is yours..."
  • "Today's your lucky day, my friend! I can tell you need a [Item/Service] and I happen to have certain talents in getting just that! If you will agree to pay me [Amount of gold] gold, I'll sell it to you now..."
  • "Hello, my name is [NPC name]. I see you are looking to purchase a [Item/Service]. I'll be happy to sell you that for as little as [Amount of gold] gold..."
  • "I am known as the provider of fortune. You seem to be interested in a [Item/Service]. I'll consider selling it for [Amount of gold] gold..."
  • "I have a talent at getting items that are hard to come by. For instance, it seems you are interested in that [Item/Service]."
  • "I'd be willing to part with it for a paltry sum of [Amount of gold] gold..."
  • "Allow me to introduce myself. I am [NPC name], a highly skilled blacksmith. I will consider selling you that [Item/Service] you seem so interested in for a miniscule sum of [Amount of gold] gold..."
  • "There are few mortals who have not heard the name of [NPC name]. My fame as a blacksmith precedes me. For a mere [Amount of gold] gold, I'll part with that [Item/Service], a gesture of goodwill in lieu of my considerable talents..."
  • "Many have crossed my path and related their tale of awe. I am the greatest master of my art, skilled in all the intricacies and mysteries in the art of the blacksmith For a mere [Amount of gold] gold, I'll part with that [Item/Service] you're so interested in..."
Buying item
  • "Umm... okay! Me like you. Good deal. Me like the pretty coins."
  • "Me agree now. You give pretty coins like this!"
  • "Okay, me agree..."
  • "[NPC name] agrees. Here's the [Item/Service]."
  • "I agree. You take [Item/Service]. Okay, I want to finish this bargain."
  • "I'll agree to your terms. Fine, you just bought yourself a [Item/Service]. You just bought yourself the best damn [Item/Service] on this side of the continent! I'm glad we could come to an agreement."
  • "I accept your offer. Your offer has merit, and seems fair. I agree."
  • "Your strong leadership skills have persuaded me to accept your offer. I will agree to your price, if you still wish it."
  • "It seems as if we have come to a reasonable price for my services. Let's shake on a good deal..."
  • "I agree to your terms and conditions. If there is nothing else, I wish to conclude the deal."
  • "Excelsior! I accept your kind offer and pledge my word on the quality of the [Item/Service]."
  • "There are few people who would have the wisdom to agree to my terms. I will accept your offer."
Refusing counteroffer
  • "No way! [NPC name] not stupid. You give more or [NPC name] go away..."
  • "You dumbest thing me ever heard. You give more or [NPC name] go away... [sic]"
  • "You say dumbest thing me ever seen! You make more pretty coins or [NPC name] go away... [sic]"
  • "That's not very funny. You a [sic] make serious offer or go somewhere else..."
  • "You maybe think I'm stupid, but I'm not! I want you to make a serious offer..."
  • "You maybe think you're dealing with someone dumber than me but you're not! You give me bigger offer or get out of my shop..."
  • "You must be kidding! Come up with a serious offer, or walk..."
  • "Forget it pal! You come up with a serious offer or I'll just sell it to someone else..."
  • "Forget it! Look pal, I know what it's worth. You come up with a serious offer or I'll sell to someone else. Then you'll just have to hope you don't meet them in combat..."
  • "Obviously you don't have a clue what a quality [Item/Service] is worth. Make me a real offer or I'll just wait till someone smarter comes along..."
  • "Stop playing games with me! Either you make a serious offer and we conclude the deal, or I'll just barter with someone else..."
  • "I will not tolerate this mockery of the barter system from the likes of you! Make a serious offer or go find someone more suited to your breeding..."
  • "Your offer is a stale attempt at humor. Either make a serious offer or go elsewhere to supplement your needs..."
  • "I see your audacity is only matched by your stupidity. I tire of this banter. Make me a serious offer that I can consider, or I will conclude this negotiation..."
  • "There is little point conversing with an idiot. If you can not see the obvious quality in front of you, I will not open your eyes. Make me a serious offer or take your aspirations for adventure elsewhere..."
Abandoning negotiation
  • "You think [NPC name] stupid! You go away. You bad... [sic]"
  • "Me not stupid. You bad person. You go away now..."
  • "Me not as dumb as you think. Me very smart. Find other blacksmith and buy there... [sic]"
  • "I think it's time you go somewhere else. You're not interested..."
  • "Maybe you should just go look somewhere else. I'm not interested anymore..."
  • "You think you're dealing with someone dumber than me but you're not! You go to another blacksmith..."
  • "Forget it pal. You don't seem real interested in getting a good [Item/Service]..."
  • "It's becoming clear to me that you're just not interested in getting a good [Item/Service]. Why don't you go somewhere else..."
  • "I guess it's sort of hard to make a good decision every single time, but this time you really messed up. Hope that your path doesn't cross with one of my good customers. They'll show no mercy..."
  • "I was right, you don't have a clue to what a quality [Item/Service] is worth. I think you should go to someone else..."
  • "You're evidently not smart enough to take advantage of my offer, so try your luck elsewhere..."
  • "I didn't think there could be anyone more idiotic than a lizardman, then I met with you."
  • "I suggest you search elsewhere for an appropriate [Item/Service] to serve your needs..."
  • "It is now obvious that my [Item/Service] would be wasted on your pitiful team. Pray that you are able to find another [Item/Service] such as this before you journey into the world again..."
  • "Take your search elsewhere. If you should fail in the dangerous world because of your tight pursed ways, do not blame me. I only tried to help..."
  • "Take your minor aspirations elswhere [sic]. If you should fail in the world, pray for a quick death..."
Answering counteroffer
  • "No way! Me think you give [NPC name] more. Me want [Amount of gold] gold... [sic]"
  • "Maybe you think [NPC name] stupid. Me not stupid. You give me [Amount of gold] gold and [NPC name] be happy... [sic]"
  • "Pretty coins not enough. Me want more. Maybe [Amount of gold] gold and [Item/Service] joins you... [sic]"
  • "[NPC name] needs more to live. Maybe you give me [Amount of gold] gold and I sell [Item/Service]..."
  • "I have many others to feed. You give me a better offer, say [Amount of gold] gold, and maybe we can come to an agreement..."
  • "I know what it is worth. I'm not stupid! You give me [Amount of gold] gold, and I'll consider your offer further..."
  • "Well, I was sorta hoping for more than that. You give me [Amount of gold] gold and it's a deal..."
  • "How about you give me [Amount of gold] gold. My skills as a blacksmith could really help you if you're thinking about adventuring..."
  • "You might be doing the smart thing by meeting me at [Amount of gold] gold. Otherwise you may end up facing someone out in the world who did do business with me, and you don't want that..."
  • "Your offer is interesting, but a [Item/Service] of this obvious quality deserves more than that. For [Amount of gold] gold, I'll gladly agree..."
  • "I am interested, but I'll need at least [Amount of gold] gold to close the deal..."
  • "I can tell a shrewd bargainer when I see one. If you would be willing to pay me [Amount of gold] gold for my [Item/Service], I will agree to sell it to you..."
  • "I am a blacksmith of obvious skill! Although I can appreciate your position, I cannot consider letting go of such a precious piece for less than [Amount of gold] gold..."
  • "You would be making a grave error in refusing the pittance I ask. I would be willing to accept [Amount of gold] gold, only because my children will need to eat tonight... We have come this far in the negotiation process."
  • "You seem to be a wise leader. Use that wisdom now to see the intelligence in accepting the [Item/Service] at [Amount of gold] gold..."

Selling at Equipment StoresEdit

Unlike all other Service Providers, Blacksmiths may also purchase items from the player and thus are the only ones with lines pertaining to this.

Selecting item for selling
  • "Hmm... me give you [Amount of gold] gold for [Item/Service]. Good price me think. [sic]"
  • "Me feel nice today, give [Amount of gold] gold piece for [Item/Service]. Okay? [sic]"
  • "You good kid, me give you good price. [Item/Service] gold for [Item/Service]. What you think? [sic]"
  • "That [sic] there's an okay [Item/Service], kid. Tell you what, I'll give you [Amount of gold] gold for it. Deal?"
  • "Pretty nice [Item/Service], though it's been through a lot. I'm thinking [Amount of gold] gold for it, okay?"
  • "Decent sorta [Item/Service], if you like that kinda thing. I think I could give you [Amount of gold] gold for it."
  • "Kid, I like you, but that [Item/Service]'s not for you. I'll take it off your hands for [Amount of gold] gold. Deal?"
  • "Probably a hundred years old that [Item/Service]. I can't give you more than [Amount of gold] gold for it, alright?"
  • "Hmm, yes, I think I'll buy that [Item/Service] from you. What would you say to [Amount of gold] gold for it?"
  • "There's not much market for a [Item/Service] like that around here. Best I can offer is [Amount of gold] gold."
  • "I can always use another [Item/Service]. I'll give you [Amount of gold] gold for it, a bit more than I usually give."
  • "My appraiser's not here, but I bet he wouldn't mind me offering [Amount of gold] gold for that [Item/Service]."
  • "With this economy, it is irresponsible of me to offer more than [Amount of gold] gold for your [Item/Service]."
  • "The absolute best I can offer for that sort of [Item/Service] is [Amount of gold] gold, generous though I am."
  • "I haven't seen a [Item/Service] quite like that in years. I will give you [Amount of gold] gold for it, yes?"
Confirming sell
  • "Good... you not change mind? Now everybody happy. Me buy it now, okay? [sic]"
  • "Good, good price, me think. Me take it now, okay?{(sic}}"
  • "All right, good decision, kid. Ready to finish up?"
  • "Good to do business with ya."
  • "You ain't changed your mind? Great kid, you won't be sorry."
  • "All right now, let's finish up. You talked me into it, I guess. Here's your gold."
  • "Can I have the [Item/Service] now? I'm going to get a reputation as an easy sell."
  • "Ah well, want to conclude our transaction?"
  • "I want you to know this is the most I've ever paid for such a [sic] [Item/Service]. Still ready to sell?"
  • "You must have mesmerized me, but you've got the gold if you're still willing to sell."
  • "You're taking advantage of a crazy man, but you've got a deal if you still want it."
  • "I must be out of my mind, but you've talked me into it. You've got a deal, kid."
  • "Excellent, I knew we would agree. I have the gold right here if you are ready."
  • "Please do not tell anyone what a pushover I am."
  • "Here is your gold if you still want it. This is how I love business to be done."
  • "You are still willing to give up that [Item/Service], eh?"
Refusing counteroffer
  • "You crazy... me never heard anyone so crazy... how much you really want? [sic]"
  • "No way me pay that, you crazy as crazy man. [sic]"
  • "You go away or give new price! Me may look stupid, but me not that stupid. [sic]"
  • "Give me price not so crazy. [sic]"
  • "Get the hell outta here or give me a price I can pay. You ain't dealing with a moron. [sic]"
  • "Yeah sure, I'm made out of gold. Either gimme another price or get out of my shop."
  • "No way, kid. You're gonna have [sic] gimme a much, much lower price if we gonna talk."
  • "Excuse me, kid, let me wake you up from dreamland. Give me a real price for the [Item/Service]."
  • "That's either a joke or an insult to my intelligence. I want to hear a real price."
  • "Yeah, that would be nice, wouldn't it? But in the real world, I need a real price."
  • "Listen, pal, I don't know who you're trying to fool, but I want to hear a real price now."
  • "If the Emperor had kissed that [Item/Service] himself, I wouldn't pay so much."
  • "Let's talk reality [sic]. For that outdated [Item/Service]? You're lucky I'm looking at it at all. Now give me a real price."
  • "That's really quite funny, but seriously, for how much would you sell it?"
  • "My child, I am patient to a fault, but I need to hear a real price or you must leave."
  • "I don't have all day to talk mythical prices. Tell me how much you really will accept."
Abandoning negotiation
  • "Too bad... maybe me [sic] see you later..."
  • "Maybe you try other store... then you come back... [sic]"
  • "Me no force you to sell... come back if you change mind... [sic]"
  • "Well, kid, I done{(sic}} tried to be fair. Guess I see you later..."
  • "I sorry ya ain't real interested in selling..."
  • "Come back if ya change your mind. If you ain't gonna sell it, you ain't gonna sell it... But you making [sic] a mistake. Hope you don't think you can get a better price... But you're welcome to look..."
  • "It's too bad we can't make a deal... come back if you change your mind, kid."
  • "I thought I was being pretty generous, but you don't seem to think so... So long..."
  • "Obviously, you're really not interested in making a deal..."
  • "See you later on... I honestly don't think you'll find a better deal elsewhere, but go ahead and look..."
  • "Surprising [sic] we couldn't make a deal... You look like a halfway intelligent kid..."
  • "Extraordinary, I [sic] make my most generous offer ever and you refuse it... I'll see you later."
  • "Apparently you wouldn't know a good deal if it vomited on you...Good luck elsewhere."
  • "I shouldn't have been so generous with my offer, it made you overconfident. Goodbye."
Answering counteroffer
  • "No, [Item/Service] not that nice. Maybe me pay [Amount of gold] gold. [sic]"
  • "Me no pay that much. [Item/Service] too old. Maybe [Amount of gold] gold, no more. [sic]"
  • "[Item/Service] good, but not that good. Me give you [Amount of gold] gold piece. Best price. [sic]"
  • "Not bad, kid, but that [Item/Service] a [sic] bit worn. Let's say [Amount of gold] gold instead."
  • "I gotta make a profit, kid. But tell you what, how bout [Amount of gold] gold? That's what that [Item/Service] cost new! [sic]"
  • "I'll buy for [Amount of gold] gold. Deal?"
  • "I don't think so. But if you'll take [Amount of gold] gold instead, you've got a deal."
  • "Forget it. Maybe I'll compromise at [sic] [Amount of gold] gold pieces. What do you say?"
  • "I'd have to be crazy to agree to more than [Amount of gold] gold. Come on, accept it."
  • "For a [Item/Service] with that shoddy workmanship? Let's say [Amount of gold] gold, shall we?"
  • "I like your style, kid. I'll take that [Item/Service] from you, for, let's say, [Amount of gold] gold?"
  • "Your mother wouldn't pay that much, kid. How about [Amount of gold] gold?"
  • "You're a decent negotiator. I cannot, however, afford more than [Amount of gold] gold. If I didn't make a profit, I wouldn't stay in business."
  • "Accept [Amount of gold] gold instead. I cannot possibly pay that sum. Perhaps we can compromise at [Amount of gold] gold pieces?"

Making RepairsEdit

Asking for Repairs
  • "Sure I could fix that [Item] for you. It'll take [Number of] days and cost [Amount of gold] gold. You want me to get started?"
  • "Fixing that [Item] is no problem. It'll take [Number of] days and cost [Amount of] gold. Sound fair?"
  • "Fine. I can get it done in [Number of] days, but it'll cost you [Amount of gold] gold. Is that okay?"
  • "Fine, I'll charge you [Amount of gold] gold pieces but it'll take [Number of] days to get done. Is that okay?"
Negotiating Cost and Time
  • "I can cut down the time but it'll cost more How many days can you wait?"
  • "I can cut the cost, but it'll take longer. How much gold do you want to spend?"
Returning Early
  • "Your [Item] should be ready any minute. I have one of my men working on it as we speak."
  • "Your [Item] is not ready yet. Check back with me in [Number of] days."
  • "Your [Item] is not ready yet. I am almost done with it. Check back with me in [Number of] hours."
Accepting The Deal
  • "Then I'll get started right away..."
  • "Good, I'll get to it as soon as I can."
Refusing The Deal
  • "I understand. You might consider dropping that broken piece and buying yourself a new replacement. I have very fair prices..."
  • "Well, if you change your mind, I'll be here."


  • The music that plays in a blacksmith's store is an alternative version of Arena's intro theme.