Console Name | Level at Cap | Silencer |
LightArmor | 66 | 100 (28+3*24) |
Marksman | 35 | 100 (35+4*24) |
Block | 31 | 42 (18+1*24) |
Sneak | 28 | 100 (28+3*24) |
OneHanded | 20 | 20 |
Illusion | 15 | 15 |
Destruction | 15 | 15 |
HeavyArmor | 15 | 15 |
TwoHanded | 15 | 15 |
Restoration | 15 | 15 |
Conjuration | 15 | 15 |
Alteration | 15 | 15 |
These are some of the other stats I got before I stopped. They were reverted by Dwarfmp. The reason I didn't include Alchemy, Smithing, Speechcraft, Enchanting, etc, was because I didn't think there was any application for those NPC skills in the game, so far as having someone as a follower goes. Is there a reason someone would care how much enchanting skill their follower has? 14:06, 20 May 2013 (GMT)
- I found it easier to just add them all, rather than extract the "useless" skills (I may do that at the end considering the width of the table). I'm just working my way down the list, no particular order, and putting the skills in the order they appear on the cslist. Something about your stats for Faendal was off, I couldn't get the same results, all the others worked out though. I just wanted to get to him again and come from a fresh perspective and see if they added up. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 17:59, 20 May 2013 (GMT)
- I got to Faendal, and added my stats to your table. I'm not sure where your stats came from. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 23:01, 25 May 2013 (GMT)
- I got all my stats from in game by targeting the character with the console and typing 'getav <consolename>' for each one that I thought could be utilized (i.e. TwoHanded but not Alchemy). I was surprised myself at how low his skills were. For characters I had given gear to, I used the 'removeallitems' to strip them to a nearby container before checking their stats. That wouldn't make stats low, though, anyway. I also did a 'getlevel' to see what level they were first. Since my character level was ~64 at the time, they were all at their own cap. Are you using race and class to calculate stats for NPCs?
- Okay, of S&G I just did loaded up Skyrim and checked again. I did the following:
- Okay, of S&G I just did loaded up Skyrim and checked again. I did the following:
prid 1348c
moveto player
openactorcontainer 1
getav sneak
getav block
- Which returned him as level 30, moved him to me so I could ensure it was the right NPC, showed me that he had a crappy default inventory of his house key, an iron dagger, a hunting bow, and 12 steel arrows, and that he has a sneak skill of 28 and a block of 31. Bizarrely, 'getisclass 10fc39' returned 1 for me, so his class is right. And his level is right. Using 'recycleactor' doesn't change any of his stats, either. Your guess is as good as mine. It would be interesting to see if anyone else got this from using the console in game. 02:51, 30 May 2013 (GMT)
- As I play PS3, I go by the cs (a list of all ingame data). Faendal is there too. I took his starting stats and added the class bonus' multiplied by [his max level minus his min level]. Would you mind posting all his stats to see if his class is different (and determine which one). The 66 in light armor doesn't even make sense, it should be a multiple of either 24 or 30 added to the base of 28. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 03:04, 30 May 2013 (GMT)
- His class is the Thief subtype TrainerMarksmanJourneyman which is 10fc39. That's what the console tells me and that is also what that page says. According to that, he is not receiving skill properly as due to his level in my game. (I'm not saying your math is wrong.) His health is only 92 for me, which doesn't make any sense at all. It's like he leveled 5 times instead of 24. But that can't be right because the skills I listed mean that he level 11 times, or 15, or a different amount for each one. My numbers for Torvar are also different - onehanded 28, twohanded 43, marksman 50, block 55. Weird, eh? Maybe someone else on PC can provide some console evidence. My install might be messed up somehow. 03:17, 30 May 2013 (GMT)
- 92 is the minimum health he could have, if he was level 7 he would have 100 health (99.8 exactly). So he really shouldn't have any skill increases as well. You could try to disable/enable him, or Wabbajack him, and see what happens. Plus (and no offense) do you have any mods working that might (or even any that are not supposed to) be interfering (even the unofficial patches). Velyanthe may be able to help (I've asked him), but he can't check right away. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 03:27, 30 May 2013 (GMT)
- Ok, so I tried to wabbajack him. I accidentally swung my mace instead and one-shotted him. So I did a 'recycleactor' and 'moveto player' and 'getav health' which returned 92. I turned him into a mudcrab and when he turned back 'getav health' returned 291, sneak was 66, lightarmor was 66, and marksman was 87. Block was still 31 though... and his onehanded was 46. I'll readily admit that my game is messed up. I'm not running any mods. It's a vanilla install. Anyway, good luck with your quest. 02:01, 31 May 2013 (GMT)