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User talk:TheRealLurlock/2013 03

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Place summary changesEdit

Hey. I think that is was extremely premature of you to make a unilateral change to the place summary template in order to add your new icons without reaching a consensus first. I (and at least a few others) was under the impression that this would ONLY be for the map, and I support the use of the new icons for that purpose. However, I do not support using the icons on every page, especially since in the light colored backgrounds of the wiki pages, the white outline looks absolutely awful. Add to the fact that if we use all of these images, we would no longer be using the official, legitimate icons in any way. The icons we use currently look great in the wiki setting, and are official. Also, in the places pages, the new icons make it extremely hard to see, at least for me personally, what the icon is, see here. The other issue that was brought up to me is that this is extremely inconsiderate to people who are color blind. The old, black and white icons, have absolutely no issue there, and I think that we need to consider that not everyone can see the colors on the icons, and they may even fade into the background entirely depending on what kind of color blindness they have. I would ask you to please revert your changes to the template, and open a brand new CP discussion specifically about the use of the icons on articles in the wiki, and to keep that discussion open for at least a few weeks, or until consensus has been reached, in order to make sure that all opinions can be heard on this matter which has a drastic affect on the look and feel of the wiki. I apologize if I sound harsh in any way, but I feel very strongly that a real discussion needs to take place before this change is made. Jeancey (talk) 17:36, 11 March 2013 (GMT)

Calm down! It's just a trial run. Changing it back is as simple as one revert to the template. But we wouldn't be able to see what issues there were until we could actually see it. Worst case scenario we have some slight inconsistency for a few hours. Can you at least see what it will look like before screaming at me like this? — TheRealLurlock (talk) 18:07, 11 March 2013 (GMT)
With something like this, the only way to see how it looks is to have a full-scale trial, by temporarily changing the wiki. Especially with this kind of discussion, it's difficult to compare the current setup with a new one without being able to see what the new one would look like. After a few tweaks here and there, it'll either remain, because people have voted in favor of it, or changed back. • JAT 18:12, 11 March 2013 (GMT)
Thank you for understanding. Though I've reverted it because of all the screaming. I hate being in the middle of a giant internet shouting match, but I didn't see any other way to see how it would look without just trying it out. I apologize to everyone for trying to take a little initiative, but it seemed nobody was interested in even discussing it anymore. Apparently I was wrong there. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 18:30, 11 March 2013 (GMT)


You just beat me to blocking those bot :(. How have things been? I haven't talked to you in a few years.--Ratwar (talk) 12:43, 16 March 2013 (GMT)

Heh, I was about to say the same thing! Though you didn't take nearly as long a break as I did from the site (checking recent contributions), but I've been pretty active again for the past year. Had to take some time off because I went back to school and got a Masters (in Interactive Entertainment). Now I'm in the post-graduation job-search frenzy mode trying to land a programming gig at a decent game company (no word back from Bethesda, sadly). Anyhow, good to see you're still around. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 12:50, 16 March 2013 (GMT)
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