Shadowfen MQ:Edit
•After The formation of the Ebonheart Pact, three heroes of the Akaviri Wars from each of the three nations encompassing the Pact: An Argonian named Heita-Meen, a Nord named Hrondar and a Dunmer named Servyna, were named Vicecanons of Stormhold in Shadowfen to act as the triumvirate in charge of the administration and law enforcement in the city, effectively spreading from there the influence of the Pact over Shadowfen to protect and enforce law without interfering much with the lifestyle of the natives. -Onward To Shadowfen
•The city of Stormhold was once a Barsaebic Ayleid city close to the border between Morrowind and Argonia but eventually the Argonians took over it, driving the Barasaebic Ayleid away to construct a village of their own until a force Dunmer Invaders razed said the village to create a town to serve as a bastion from which they could launch slave raids across Shadowfen until the formation of the Ebonheart Pact after which the Argonians began to occupy the city once more alongside some Dunmer under the benevolent rule of the Vicecanons. -Onward To Shadowfen
•After the formation of the Ebonheart Pact and the extension of it's influence over Shadowfen, the influence of the Shadowscales as traditional Argonian Peace Keepers through their assassinations was weakened and the group began to operate more secretively without interfering with the Pact (Although they vocally disapproved it). Their role in Argonian society and their apparent opposition to the ideals of the Ebonheart Pact made of them a source of concern for the Pact citizens and authorities in Shadowfen. -Three Tenders Souls
•Close to Stormhold exists the labyrinthine Barasaebic Ayleid ruin of Silyanorn ("Acorn" in Ayleidoon) which was used by it's former masters as a library adjacent to Stormhold when that city was still Ayleid in design and population. -Getting The Truth
•After the Ascension of the Tribunal, some Dunmer Housemer who remained loyal to the Good Daedra (presumably the groups later known as the almost unremembered "Cantemiric Velothi" of Black Marsh who went extinct due to the Knahaten Flu) went into self-exile to northeastern Argonia to continue with their traditional ways, one of such groups built a shrine to Boethiah in Shadowfen known as Tenmorvuk but eventually the temple was abandoned and it's ruins became known to the natives of Shadowfen as Ten-Maur-Wolk. - Scouring The Mire/Trail Of The Skin-Stealer
•The Dominion Alchemist Ruuvitar, due to his extensive study on the powers of the Hist and it's relationship with their Saxhleel, learned many horrific ways to use the properties of Hist Sap in many ways for the betterment of the campaigns of the Aldmeri Dominion in Shadowfen. One of such uses involved a complex system for which the Dominion stole Hist Sap from the Forsaken Hamlet to store it on a series of vats while Ruuvitar himself summoned and binded through magical foci a Dremora named Lyranth to imprison and enslave her. The process required the use of a spell to kill a victim (Leaving the corpse burnt) and take from the body a piece of flesh, usually from the chest, which Lyranth uses to imbue a flask of the Hist Sap stolen by the Dominion with the memories of the victim through Lyranth's Daedric Essence, this process fundamentally changed the Hist Sap, allowing it to transform anyone who drinks the sap imbued with the memories of the victim into an exact physical copy of the victim and with some of it's memories from before dying. Many agents of Ruuvitar became the ultimate infiltration force by mastering this process and using it to kidnap and kill citizens and authorities of the Ebonheart Pact to replace them as perfect impersonators later known to the Pact as Skin-Stealers to further the goals of the Dominion, the effectiveness of this group was such that they came to replace one of the very Vicecanons of Stormhold. Eventually the Pact discovered the methodology used by the Dominion to spy on them and disabled their operation by freeing Lyranth and burning the stolen Hist Sap -Three Tender Souls/Getting The Truth/The Trial Of The Skin-Stealer/The Skin-Stealer's Den
•Certain Argonians are a capable of detecting the true nature of a Skin-Stealer due to their "smell" which the Argonians may describe as "dead" and "burnt". The fact that non-Argonians aren't capable of doing this and that the Argonians are also capable of smelling and hearing strange scents and sounds coming from a Mnemic Egg when others cannot may imply that the connection between the Argonians and the Hist and the use of Hist Sap in the act of Skin-Stealing is what truly allows the Argonians to detect the Skin-Stealers through their senses although the sharpness of Argonian perception is clearly remarkable still when compared to other races nonetheless. -Trial Of The Skin-Stealer/The Skin-Stealer's Den
•Due to the many disappearances of both Dunmer and Argonian citizens and Pact Officers in Stormhold the Argonians of the city began to blame the Dunmer of the events, accusing them of returning to their slave raids in secret while the Dunmer blamed the Argonians, accusing the Shadowscales of kidnapping and murdering their familiars, driving the Pact members dangerously close to internal infighting. Ironically enough, the Shadowscales were the firsts to investigate the events and discover Ruuvitar's plot after hearing the false rumors against their venerable order. -Getting The Truth
•Apparently the Argonian communities of Shadowfen hatch their eggs in the same location: The Hatching Pools attended by an order of guardians known as the Keepers Of The Shell. The Keepers take care of the eggs until they are ready to be born with help from the Hist Tree located at the center of the pools. Since the Argonians inherently need a Hist to hatch their eggs effectively, if the influence of the Hist over the eggs ceases for any reason the eggs will wither and die under normal circumstances. -Keepers Of The Shell
•Some believe that a connection exists between the Spinners of Y'ffre and the spiritual leaders of the Argonians probably due to the link to the wild forces of nature shared by both religious groups. -Keepers Of The Shell
•Apparently certain religious authorities among the Saxhleel are capable of commiting ritualistic suicide dedicated to Sithis in order to briefly delay the imminent death of one or many lifes by "holding back the void" with their sacrifice. An interesting concept considering how the Pre-Duskfall Argonian Civilization conducted Argonian sacrifices dedicated to Sithis in order to appease him to prevent any change great enough to destroy their beloved civilization, a believe considered foolish by the Nisswo (Argonian Priests Of Sithis in current times) but possibly endorsed by this occurrence. -Keepers Of The Shell/She Who Eats The Light (Murkmire)
•The Barsaebic Ayleid Ruins of Loriansel found in Shadowfen was a Temple dedicated to the Ten Ancestors in ancient times but the place was overrun by Lamias after the apparent extinction of the Ayleids and is implied that the local Argonians used it afterwards in religious rituals of their own, including burial rites to send Argonian souls back to the Hist after death. -The Dominion Alchemist/The Swamp's Embrace (Venomous Fens)
•The Keystones of the Barsaebic Ayleid ruins of Loriansel apparently were created by the Wild Elves using tortuous rituals stolen from the Saxhleel of the Ancient Argonian Civilization through which they absorbed the very vital force of Argonian prisoners and stored it into stones. The Keystones of Loriansel that resulted from this ritual were powerfully linked to the Hist as a whole and the Ayleids possibly used them in their ambitions to tame the raw and unknown powers of Argonia unsuccessfully, although this events allowed them to create a link between the location of Loriansel and the Hist and to create a powerful well of magical power sealed beneath the ruins and accessible exclusively through the use of the Keystones to open the way to it. After the extinction of the Barsaebic Ayleids, the Keystones were scattered throughout Argonia and can be used to access the true hidden powers of Loriansel to, with the use of a Mnemic Egg empowered by the well, tap into the mind of the Hist itself and manipulate it in otherwise impossible ways even for a Mnemic Egg. The stones hold great magical power and, possibly through the Argonian vitality stored in them, are linked to the spiritual force of the Hist. Exposition to a Keystone for too long drives those who tap into it's powers to a madness associated with cannibalistic frenzy and delusions, probably due to the esoteric arcane secrets and eldritch knowledges of the Hist that can be accessed through the stones. In ESO many Keystones can be found, including the Bellael Keystone in the White Rose Prison, the Sedormis Keystone of the Ayleid Temple of Sul beneath the Kothringi Village of Zuuk, the Relleis Lor Keystone found at the Ayleid ruins of Relleis Lor beneath the Argonian village of Murkwater and another found in Loriansel itself. -Scales Of Retribution (Venomous Fens)/The Keystone (Venomous Fens/Into The Temple (Venomous Fens)/The Dominion Alchemist
•Apparently when a Hist Tree dies, his spirit "rejoins" the void in a process more similar to birthing backwards than to dying in itself. The memories and spiritual link of the Tree to the Argonians and the other Trees remains in the mortal world as some sort of giant sap-covered seed known as Mnemic Egg which may or may not be simply some sort of Hist Seed that can be used to allow the dead Hist to born again. The Mnemic Eggs can be used by Argonians and other entities with certain sap rituals to contact the collective consciousness of the living Hist Trees and even introduce or manipulate memories and ideas on them in special circumstances when the powers of an egg are augmented by sources of great magical power. The Aldmeri Dominion Alchemist Ruuvitar used the Keystones and the magical powers hidden in Loriansel to empower himself enough to use the Mnemic Egg as a tool to introduce seditious ideas into the Hist to confuse them and make them believe that the Argonians of Shadowfen and the Ebonheart Pact were plotting against them and that the only apparent way to stop them was by severing the link of the Hist to the lizard folk, obliterating them in the process and disabling their method of effective reproduction. -Keepers Of The Shell/The Dominion Alchemist/The Dream Of The Hist
•Through a Mnemic Egg is possible to transport one's mind to the Dream of the Hist, the realm embodying the link between the many Hist Trees which constitutes the collective consciousness and divine natural force that is "The Hist" as whole. The dream is also a place where the minds of the individual trees contact each other and where the memories and ideas collected by the different Hist Trees from their individual Saxhleel Tribes flow and reach other Trees. In his short time in this realm, the Vestige spoke with the minds of the individual Hist Trees of Shadowfen appearing to him in the shadowed-emerald visage of spectral Lurchers known as Hist-Brothers to answer their questions and make them understand that Ruuvitar was trying to trick them to destroy Argonia as a whole, in the end either the other Hist Trees severed their links to the Tree manipulated by Ruuvitar with the Mnemic Egg to end the crisis, killing their corrupted brother in the process, or healed him by informing him of the truths that the other Hist Trees learned from the Vestige. -The Dream Of The Hist
•The Hist-Brothers in the Dream of the Hist known the regular mortals of Nirn as "Flesh-Walkers" and the Skin-Stealers of Ruuvitar as "Skin-Walkers", they seemingly regard the Hist Sap as their blood, it is implied that they are capable of summoning "The Song of Sithis" to destroy their creations such as the Argonians "making them taste fear and then nothing" should they betray them. The Hist Trees seemingly consider that when they experience death, they "rejoin" the void. This information is particularly interesting in relationship to the information proposed in "Children of the Root" and the quest "She Who Eats The Light" from the Murkmire DLC of ESO. -The Dream Of The Hist
•The Saxhleel and the Hist apparently believe that when they die they are "feeding" or being "claimed" by the Mire. -The Dream Of The Hist/Lost To The Mire (Leafwater)
Venomous Fens:Edit
•If an Argonian native of Black Marsh dies without a proper traditional burial and is left with emotional or magical binds to the mortal world, his soul will remain as a ghost trapped into Mundus while it's memories and spirit slowly fade away, similar to any other mortal race in all except by the fact that, if freed from their misery, the Argonian souls will return to the Hist instead of reaching some divine plane outside of Mundus, a process that they consider not different from literally merging their spirits with the land of Argonia. -A Final Release
•The Meridian Knights of Loriansel had their weapons enchanted to make them forcefully loyal to their king but the enchanter in question used it instead to turned against the king and replaced him and after dying he bound his own spirit to an urn acting as philactery to rule the ghost knights even in death until the vestige destroyed the mage and his philactery, releasing the knights from the enchantment to reach Aetherius. -Vigil's End
•In the colonization of Black Marsh the empire faced unique and terrible challenges including a generally over-consuming, slow and inefficient logistic system and supplying of resources, a scarcely working command structure due almost inexistent communication, inefficient tactics to survive in the mire and a extremely low moral, corruption, numerous desertions and the lack of significant local resources of use in a completely hostile environment to the regular methods of Imperial occupation. In order to keep order in such circumstances, the imperial forces on Black Marsh kept a rigid and severe approach to law enforcement and colonization resulting in many unspeakable cruelties, great loss of resources, a harsh rule and an increasing corruption and moral bankrupt among the imperial forces, much like the situation of the province in the last days of the Third Era that would led imperial authorities to consider abandoning Argonia in order to keep the moral integrity and economical stability of the Empire. Due to this circumstances the main foothold of Imperial Power upon northern Black Marsh, the fort known as Arx Corinium, was willingly abandoned by Imperial Forces during the conquest of Black Marsh, a fate that would later befell the whole Imperial Presence upon the province, leaving nothing but spite from the locals to the Imperial Oppressors in the wake of their departure. -The Ones Left Behind/And Throw Away The Key/A Poisoned Heart/Force Of Nature
•During the Interregnum, the remnants of the Second Empire directed many efforts to create or uncover ways to restore imperial rule among which were biological weapons such as gaseous poisons to defend themselves from enemies and assert their rule over their territories, one of such poisons was accidentally released into the Topal Bay and eventually reached Black Marsh, damaging the local life forms. Eventually the poison was sealed through an enchantment into husk to contain it and might have been sold illegally by corrupted imperial officers or returned to the Imperial city to be guarded as it should have been in the first place. -A Poisoned Heart
•During the imperial occupation of Black Marsh, the empire constructed the White Rose Prison in Shadowfen to imprison (in remarkably poor conditions) many important criminals who blighted the imperial provinces along with almost anyone among the natives who committed crimes against the empire ranging from simple stealing to rebellion against the empire in a failed attempt to impose order through fear. When the empire abandoned Black Marsh, the chain of command bound the Prisoners of White Rose and Imperial officers who committed desertion or insubordination during the occupation to one of the Keystone of Loriansel which they hid deep within the dungeons of the prison. This magical binds kept those within the prison forever bound to it and unable to leave it as punishment for their "crimes" against the empire. In time the influence of the Keystone turned most prisoners into "Ferals", bloodthirsty cannibals inhabiting the depths of the prison, while the former imperial officers left behind kept them at bay and ruled the surface of the prison as a settlement of sorts. -And Throw Away The Key/The Keystone
•The prisoners and Imperial officers magically bound to the Keystone in the White Rose Prison died if they ever tried to leave the prison and were constantly endangered by the stone's effects on mortal sanity (see the main quest section for details). Apparently the removal or magical perturbation of the stone would irrevocably damn them to madness and only the destruction of the stone could free them from their cursed state, the decision of using the stone for the purposes of the Ebonheart Pact or destroying it to free the inhabitants of the Prison, as always, falls on the judgement of the Vestige. -And Throw Away The Key/The Keystone
•Apparently the mental weakness of those close to a Keystone affects how fast they turn to madness since some of the prisoners close to the stone remained sane even after years of exposition to it while most turned feral quite fast. -The Keystone
•Through certain enchantments and spells is possible for mages to absorb magical powers used by natural lifeforms, such as the lightning of a Wamasu, and transform it into pure magical energy to be used afterwards in magical endeavors. -Catch The Lightning
•The Daedric servants of Namira can use artifacts known as the Hands of Namira to spread her influence and corrupt other spiritual entities with it's touch, the hand can be used to command the Daedra serving Namira and they fear it greatly do to it's terrible power. The figment of the power of Namira in the hand can be made manifest by the will of it's mistress into a miasma of darkness obeying her will and presenting a physical threat to her enemies. A group of Dremora servants of Namira used the hand to corrupt the Hist Tree of the Argonian Village created around the Xanmeer of Xal Ithix in order to spread their mistress' influence over the swamps by enslaving the Hist with her corruption and using it to further spread Namira's influence around Xal Ithix. The hand of Namira could manifest a spiritual guise of the Daedric Prince itself as an "aspect" Namira who notoriously declares herself rightful ruler of all spirits, views the Hist as nothing compared to her and an obstacle to assert her rightful dominion of degradation and rot over all things, including Argonia. -Deep Disturbance
•Apparently a Hist Tree holds certain influence over it's immediate environment including the usual village constructed around it and the surrounding nature. Namira's influence over the Hist Tree of Xal Ithix drove the creatures around the village into a never-ending madness that made them grow larger, stronger and more aggressive towards the Argonians, showing the reach of the Hist Tree's influence. -Missing In The Mire/Deep Disturbance
•The Argonian Tree-Minders have a unique connection to their Hist Trees that gifts them with considerable powers and knowledges of magic and alchemy including but not limited to the ritualistic use of potions to discern the nature of any spiritual influence around them, the ability to dispell Daedric influence and, apparently, some sort of teleportation throughout the area of influence of their Hist Trees. The special abilities granted by the Hist Tree to a Tree-Minder are apparently lost if the Hist Tree is unable to provide it's servant with power due to Interferences such as Namira's corruption. -Deep Disturbance
•In Shadowfen exists the Ayleid ruin known as the Temple of Sul, a underground ruin upon which the famous Kothringi leader Zuuk founded a Kothringi Village named in his honor soon after the death of Reman III. Zuuk thrived thanks to the versatility and opportunistic tendencies of the Kothringi that drove them to maximize the utility that they could find in any situation, allowing them to prevail against all the horrors of the marsh for centuries until the Knahaten Flu finally came and exterminated the whole village. During the final days of Zuuk, a sorcerer among the Kothringi named Drillk in his desperation directed an expedition within the Temple of Sul to steal the Keystone within and use it to save the village. Drillk absorbed the power of the Keystone, gaining magical regeneration and immunity to the Flu, but he couldn't save the rest of his people, remaining as the last Kothringi guarding the ruins of Sul and dwelling among the ashes and ghosts of his friends, motivated to live exclusively to remain as the sole legacy of the village and possibly of his whole culture and race. During ESO Ruuvitar's minions came to Zuuk seeking the Keystone of Sul, they trapped and tortured Drillk, damaging his mind through untold suffering (although they proved themselves unable to kill him) and binding the Kothringi ghosts of the village to interrogate them, eventually the Vestige liberated Drillk and restored his sanity with help from the ghosts of Zuuk to gain access to the Temple of Sul with Drillk's help and discover what happened to the Keystone, ultimately Drillk either transfers the power of the Keystone to the Vestige in order to reunite his soul with his people in the afterlife and have a significant death by giving his power to another after long years of sadness or the vestige convinces him to remain in Zuuk as it's king of dust and last of the Kothringi to preserve the legacy of his dead culture. -The King Of Dust/Into The Temple
•The Temple of Sul beneath Zuuk was magically sealed by the Kothringi to prevent the Ayleid spirits within from escaping or damaging the village, the spell used to accomplish this could be temporarily disrupted by using the word "Betrux" near it (meaning "open" in the tongue of the Kothringi). The Ayleid spirits beneath Zuuk apparently find insulting how the Kothringi stole their precious Keystone from them and found pleasure in their slow destruction due to the Knahaten Flu, it is notorious that the Vestige can suggest that the Ayleids may have created the Flu to exact vengeance upon the Kothringi but such accusation apparently causes great anger on the spirits and drove them to hostility, leaving the matter unsettled. -Into The Temple
•At the Ayleid Temple of Sul exists a series of ancient relics: the Mathmel, Mathmori and Jorane Pilasters collectively known as the Alasil Pilasters. This artifacts can be activated by a relic known as the Temple of Sul to display visions of the past revealing that the Barsaebic Ayleids found no apparent evidence of a real previous civilizations in Argonia and believed that the lizard men didn't built the Xanmeers, that the Ayleids enslaved the Argonian Tribes and used them in aberrant practices such as Flesh Sculpting and that ultimately the nedic slaves of the Ayleids rebelled against them inspired by Alessia's actions in Cyrodiil (This is a potential cause of the Barsaebic Ayleids' downfall long before the Flu annihilated most non-Argonian native population of Black Marsh completely) -Captured Time
•The stone constructs that encompass most relics and artifacts of the Ancient Saxhleel Civilization are generally considered useless and without any value by outsiders to Black Marsh who aren't interesting in Argonian culture or magic. -Of Dubious Value
•The Argonian Settlement of Hissmir is home to the "Root Stewards" a group of Argonian "Priests" with the mission of guiding the pilgrims who come to Hissmir to take part in a ritual known as the Trials of the Burnished Scales. The trials are three: The trial of the mind in which the pilgrim must learn of the past of Argonia to solve riddles regarding such knowledge as a way to better understand the identity of the Saxhleel in the present through study of the past; the Trial of the heart in which the pilgrim must walk a path of pilgrimage in a limited amount of time while potential distractions in the form of other pilgrims in need of help appear along the way, this trial is meant to prove the pilgrim's willingness to abandon unimportant and mundane things and focus on what is truly important, this trial is a trap to outsiders since linear time is a misconception of mortals who do not understand the true nature of the world according to Argonian believes and therefore the time limit of the trial is the true unimportant thing in it and act according to one's moral code by helping others regardless of the it is the true trial; the last trial is the trial of the Fang in which the pilgrim must fight unarmed against a fully equipped Argonian warrior while being poisoned and still win to prove his will to survive and either the strength or cunning to do so despite being overwhelmed by his enemy. The Trials are meant to prepare the pilgrim to commune with the Hist by learning and better understanding the ways of the Saxhleel and then drink a concoction of Hist Sap and receive a visions from the Hist Tree. Apparently any pilgrim regardless of race or mundane differences with the Argonians such as political alignment can be allowed to undertake the Trials willingly. -Trials Of The Burnished Scales
•During the period of the Ancient Saxhleel Civilization the Hist Trees produced fruits known as Hist Amber which, just like their sap, possessed powerful supernatural properties. The Ancient Saxhleel used this fruits to charge magical stone constructs placed around their Xanmeers known as Zath Stones to use said stones as a Defense System for their pyramids, a Zath Stone charged with the power of a Hist Amber generates powerful and fast beams of amber lightning capable of killing enemy warriors in seconds, the stones apparently activate their beams automatically when those perceived as a threat by the person who activated the Zath Stone comes close to it. The Hist revealed this ancient and dangerous knowledge to a Dominion Captain and to the Vestige when they undertook the Trials of the Burnished Scales during the events of ESO as the Hist perceived that such knowledge would be of use to the Argonians of Hissmir at the time, the Vestige ultimately used it to activate the stones and used them to eliminate the Dominion forces on Hissmir after discovering that they were trying to take over the town. Apparently the Hist Tree care not for such mundane things as politics or mortal laws and kingdoms and that's why the Hist revealed the knowledge of the Hist Amber and the Zath Stone to both the Vestige and the Dominion Captain regardless of their political relationship with Black Marsh. -Dreams Of The Hist
•The Shadowscales in their role as justice dealers and peace keepers of the Saxhleel Society can sometimes get involved in political and military conflicts that are cause of suffering to the Argonians, for instance, during ESO they directed offensives against the Dominion forces under Ruuvitar when their war efforts begun to damage the Argonian settlements of Shadowfen. -Overrun/Scales Of Retribution
•The Argonian settlement of Murkwater in Venomous Fens was founded upon the remains of the Ayleids ruins of Relleis Lor which guarded a Keystone within it's depths. The Dominion eventually attacked the settlement and enslaved it's inhabitants to seek the Keystone but due to the intervention of the Vestige and the Shadowscales, the Dominion was forced to retreat and the Keystone was magically absorbed by the Vestige through a ritual in order to keep it's power safe. -Scales Of Retribution
•Apparently the Shadowscales can undertake their sacred labor even when afflicted by disadvantages such as blindness as evidenced by the Shadowscale Akeenus who perceived her surroundings to undertake her missions through the smells despite being blind. -The Swamp's Embrace
•The ruins of Loriansel were used by the Saxhleel as a burying ground to keep their dead after the extinction of the Barsaebic Ayleids. According to the believes or the natives of Shadowfen the souls of the Argonians cannot return to the Hist unless their corpses receive proper burial rites and if such rites are not undertaken, the souls will remain trapped in Mundus as ghosts instead. -The Swamp's Embrace
•Apart from their work as guardians of natural bodies of water, the spirits known as Nereids also have the duty of claiming and restoring cradles of natural life once pure and free that were corrupted by the predations of Men and Mer in their colonizations once they abandon such defiled places. This might be the reason that drives the Nereids to act with disdain and even direct hostility towards the lives of sentient mortals whom they consider greedy, short-sighted and banal in their efforts of bringing civilization to the natural world. Despite this, the Nereids might very well ally themselves with mortals who respect and protect nature or those among them who they can employ as tools to fullfil their ends to bring prosperity to the natural life of Nirn or combat forces who desire to damage or enslave it even more than the mortals themselves as shown for instance when three Nereids allied themselves with the Vestige to destroy a tribe of Lamias that were trying to claim the imperial ruin of Arx Corinium in which the Nereids where trying to restore the vigor of nature after the imperials left it. -Force Of Nature
•The Necromancer Kings of the Barsaebic Ayleids apparently were allied and collectively known as The Fenlords. This Ayleid Kings supposedly ruled the whole of Black Marsh until their slaves rebelled against them following Alessia's example, weakening their domains and allowing the dangers and inconveniences of the swamp to overwhelm them while the slaves rose against them. As their kingdoms crumbled the Fenlords held a council at the Ayleid Library dedicated to Hermaeus Mora known as Gandranen to create an artifact known as the Crown of Ascension, some believe that the artifact preserved the spirits of the Fenlords in ice constructs to withstand the passing of ages or that it granted them precognitive powers to see hidden places and potential possibilities to avoid their doom, while others claim that they were destroyed by the rebellions of their slaves before being capable of using the artifact. In any case, the crown supposedly allowed them to left behind the mortal plane (potentially implying an apotheosis) while their servants and the last of their kind remained in Gandranen preserved through undead to guard the last vestige of their passed glory. -Riches Beyond Measure
•Independently of whatever is said in the many stories surrounding the Fenlords and their crown, the Crown of Ascension, with it's ancient magic faded long ago, remained within the ruins of Gandranen alongside a Lich, apparently the last of the Fenlords, being protected by a horde of the ancient servants of the Necromancer Kings turned into undead mummies and controled by the Lich through enchanted emblems inserted within their heads to bind them to the Fenlord's will and preserve the ruins of Gandranen as the last remnant of the Barsaebic Ayleid kingdoms. During the events of ESO a Khajiit adventurer stole one of the emblems of the Fenlords and used it to bypass their servants and slay the last Fenlord with help from the Vestige to claim the crown of Ascension and sell it through legally dubious means to a buyer in Morrowind who was seemingly interested in the artifact despite the fact that it lost it's powers long ago. -Riches Beyond Measure
Reticulated Spine:Edit
•The wilds of Shadowfen are filled with numerous predators including giant wasps, alit and Kagouti who make life in the Fen remsry dangerous. Although the bounties and resources that the locals can claim from these creatures generally make such dangers worth the risk. -Shadowfen Smorgasbord
•Despite the policies of the Ebonheart Pact, mistreatment towards Argonians in the borderlands of Shadowfen with Morrowind was still somehow common even a decade after the formation of the Ebonheart Pact. -Unwelcomed Guests
•In the swamp of Bog Mother the Saxhleel Tree-Minders keep a series of totemic relics: The Tsith, Umoj, Shol and Xaloc stones around a ruin holding a tribe of Dreughs who apparently attacked the swamp in the past and were stopped through the use of the relics when the Tree-Minders bound them to the stones and used the artifacts to make them passive towards the natives and hostile towards invaders. Apparently the purpose of this relics can be corrupted to be used in order to enslave the Dreughs. -Bound To The Bog/Saving The Relics
•Apparently the Animus Geodes, being superior versions of the regular Soul Gems, can capture souls whole and not just their magical power, although doing this renders the geodes specially fragile and a soul trapped within finds itself in an overwhelming desperation in it's inhability to leave the geode and the experience of being trapped in a void within it. -Captive Souls
•In Shadowfen exists an ancient Daedric Temple known as Sanguine's Demesne in which a group of Daedric servants of the Prince of libertarians and hedonists hold an eternal party throughout the temple for all unaligned mortals and mortal servants to Sanguine to join at will. The Daedra convince or trick the mortals who enter in the party to drink from Sanguine's Goblet and thus allow the influence of the prince to take hold in their minds and should to trap them in an unending spiral of selfish debauchery from which they won't espace even after dying. Even when some realize that they are meant to be trapped forevermore in the party, the Daedra keep all guests distracted and entertained in the temple through subtle manipulations to never allow anyone to abandon the celebration (though some have effectively abandoned it at some points in history). Sanguine's Daedra apparently keep many strange Daedric relics of Sanguine within the Temple among which exists, oddly enough, wines capable of enslaving the souls of the dead who lived and perished in the party. Those under the influence of another Daedric Prince, such as the Soul Shriven of Molag Bal, apparently aren't allowed in Sanguine's party unless they accomplish tasks for Sanguine's servants that explicitly require access to it. - Life Of The Party/Foreign Vintage
• Apparently the Ebonheart Pact allowed the employment of goblins for forced in Pact Territory, a task generally accomplished by stealing the tribal totems of the goblins and using them to enslave the goblins through their own superstitions and if needed, with some magical assistant to keep them obedient. Some, specially liberated Argonian slaves, criticized such enslavement of another race with some even plotting to liberate the goblins, going against Pact Policies in the process. -Schims
•In Shadowfen existed one of the last few Kothringi Villages in Argonia: Stillrise Village. Along with the rest of their people, the inhabitants of the village were almost wiped out by the Knahaten Flu Plague and not even the most sacred rituals and blessings of Z'en undertaken by the shaman Chirah and his acolytes to stop the crisis gave them results. In their desperation, the Warchief Helushk convinced the tribe leader Sulhak to construct a chapel dedicated to Clavicus Vile and use it to ask for the Prince's help. Vile answered the prayers of the Kothringi and gave them a Soul Gem Array and stole their souls from their bodies to store them within it. Thus the Kothringi became undead skeletons controled by their souls in the Array, allowing them to continue their existences in a hollow mockery of their past lives by being unable to ever truly die, reproduce or enjoy the most simple pleasures of mortal life. The shaman veiled their undead state with an illusion of their former selves and the Kothringi continued with their new undead existence undisturbed for many decades. -The Thin Ones/The Bargain's End
•The Soul Gem Array of Stillrise Village was cursed by Vile to assure himself that no living being was to be capable of touching it without dying instantly although the Kothringi could grant living being the ability to touch it by making offerings to Clavicus Vile in order to temporarily transform another being into one of their undead kind. -The Thin Ones
•In order to further play with the inhabitants of Stillrise Village, Clavicus Vile gave them two braziers: One of fire with the power to destroy the Soul Gem Array and one of frost capable of preserving it eternally. The Kothringi who disliked their new forms found in this an opportunity to eventually die and find peace by releasing their souls from the Array while those who liked them (mainly due to their lack of physical necessities and their immortalit) and therefore desired to preserve the Array found in the preservation of the Array a way to to become truly immortal. -The Bargain's End
•Eventually the Worm Cult attacked Stillrise Village and tried to use the Soul Gem Array to enslave the inhabitants of the village but were stopped and a conflict between the acolytes and Warriors Of the tribe followed, with the acolytes trying to destroy the Array and be free of Vile's curse by using the brazier of fire and the warrios trying to preserve it with the frost brazier to live eternally in their new, more perfect, forms. The Vestige was the one to ultimately choose their fate and either give them peace in death or preserved them forever more as undead skeletons. -The Thin Ones/The Bargain's End
•The Xanmeer ruins of Sunscale's Strand were used by the tribes of the ancient Argonian Civilization as a Temple to Sithis containing tests for those who fear and defy entropy itself and as a vault of forbidden artifacts protected by nature-spirits summoned by the Hist in ancient times (such as Lurchers) and elaborated traps created by the Ancient Saxhleel. The ruins hold ancient Saxhleel artifacts and relics, some of which were considered dangerous "aspects" of the Hist. Te vault beneath the Xanmeer holds potions capable of imbuing the body of a mortal with an elemental power and it's purpose was to seal away the dreadful weapons known as the Fangs of Sithis which the Shadowscales associate with the fall of the Argonian Civilization of old. -Buried In The Past/The Fangs Of Sithis
•The entrance to the Sunscale Ruins were magically sealed and bound to three Argonian puzzle boxes. When properly used, the three puzzle boxes can be united into an artifact called Hist Key capable of opening the ruins and give it's wielder the ability to bypass the many magical guardians and traps of the ruin. The puzzle boxes apparently contain conscious spirits or magical beings capable of manifesting themselves in wisp-like forms and are believed to serve the will of the Hist to prevent the misuse of the Hist Key. -Buried In The Past
•The Fangs of Sithis are two identical daggers supposedly enchanted by the divine power of Sithis and given as tokens of affection from the Dark Husband to the Night Mother and her children. A wielder of the Fangs opens his mind and soul to the taint of the void and the forces of chaos, change and entropy but acquires dark gifts such as an enhanced physical strength and combat skill, the power to enslave the soul of fallen foes and completely eradicate weak life forms such as plants with his mere presence. The influence of the Fangs slowly corrupts the mind of the wielder, filling it with misanthropic thoughts to drive him to madness and vicious hostility towards all forms of life, eventually the Fangs consume the very soul of the wielder in a painfully slow process that transforms him into a dead and almost mindless carcass filled with chaotic powers and an endless bloodthirst, even those who only wield one of the Fangs for a few minutes are doomed to this fate. -The Fangs Of Sithis/Pull The Last Fang
•Certain spells and enchantments can be used to contain and weaken the influence of the Fangs of Sithis. -The Fangs Of Sithis
•The Shadowscales of Shadowfen apparently "felt" the emanations of dark powers coming from the Fangs of Sithis when the artifacts were unearthed, they seemingly considered them too dangerous and powerful to remain in the hands of common mortals and therefore they sought to seal them away once again by taking the artifacts into their custody to hide them. The Shadowscales' training and the blessings of the Night Mother upon them gave them resistance to the effects of the Fangs of Sithis although is still possible for them to succumb to the fangs' influence. The Vestige himself apparently proved to be extremely resistant or even completely immune to the effects of the Fangs although if this occurred due to his nature as a Hero/Prisoner or, more likely, due to his soulless condition as a Vestige (the fangs corrupt the wielder by consuming his soul and the Vestige has none and therefore shouldn't be corruptible by this artifacts, this hypothesis is supported by the Aspect of Sithis who took interest in "the void" within the Vestige) -The Fangs Of Sithis/Pull The Last Fang
•The daggers used by the Shadowscales to accomplish their assassinations are modeled after the Fangs of Sithis. -Pull The Last Fang
•Apparently in important occasions, Sithis is capable of rendering part of his intellect and his ever-changing and chaotic nature into a temporarily defined form to communicate with his servants in his shadowed guise. One of such "aspects" of Sithis (may or may not had) manifested itself in the form of a crimson and gigantic spectral snake to persuade the vestige of the importance of claiming the Fangs of Sithis for himself to bring change and chaos to the mortal world by using them in his adventures. The aspect disappeared soon after but it's worth noting that it seemingly disdained the mortal necessity to assign him names, sex, shape or even a defined nature and influence, considering such things nothing but banal mortal efforts to preserve their own fragile sanities in the face of an unknowable force embodying change and death. -Pull The Last Fang
•The harbor-settlement of Alten Corinmont is mainly populated by Argonians and various local groups of merchants and pirates control the surrounding waters. During the Interregnum, the Aldmeri Dominion used the Renrijra Maor in a plot to take over the town and smuggle weaponry and resources to the Dominion Forces led by Ruuvitar in Shadowfen but their plans were ultimately foiled by Pact Agents and the local Argonian pirates with help from deserters of the Renrijra itself. -Warm Welcome/The Last One Standing/Pirate Parley
•The Renrijra Maor are the Pirate division of the ancient group of Khajiit Anarchists known as the Renrijra Krin who acted as corsairs on behalf of the Dominion during the Interregnum. The Renrijra Pirates conducted illicit operations for the Dominion in the southern seas of Tamriel and attacked ships and harbors working for other alliances while being under the sponsorship of the Dominion. The pirates, taking advantage of their situation, sacked points of interest in Non-Dominion Territory in many occasions, including ruins and isolated settlements to loot valuable relics and goods or simply take slaves. -The Last One Standing/A Pirate Parley/Buried In The Past/The Fangs Of Sithis/Cold-Blooded Vengeance (Deshaan)/A Ravaged Village (Deshaan)/Saving The Silent Mire (Deshaan)
•The bitterness between Argonians and Dunmer due to the their past conflicts and the massive enslavement of Argonians caused many problems in Shadowfen during the establishment of the Ebonheart Pact, including discord and violence from Dunmer to Argonians in northern Shadowfen and discord and violence from Argonians to Dunmer in southern Shadowfen. The fall of many Dunmer nobles due to the massive liberation of Argonian slaves at the foundation of the Ebonheart Pact seemingly caused some of such nobles to resource to more desperate, damaging and harsh means to survive and keep some measure of power while others directly rebelled against the Pact and died, although some of them successfully integrated themselves in the Pact and came to believe in it's ideals and usefulness. Similarly, among the Argonians most liberated slaves and natives of Shadowfen of northern Shadowfen kept distrust and bitterness against the Dunmer with some directly becoming outlaws and engaging in harassment against Dunmer population while some (presumably very few in number) surprisingly kept good memories of some of the most benevolent of their old Dunmer masters and acknowledged the value of having the Dunmer as allies while most Argonians native to Shadowfen in it's southern extremes never suffered much due to raids or enslavement and, staying true to the ways of Argonia, were quick in centering their view on their present needs and leaving behind the past in the name of convenience while not being particularly fond of the generally arrogant Dunmer demeanor which they were quick to "diminish" in many creative ways. -Warm Welcome/Pirate Parley/Missing Son/A Life Of Privilege/Threefold Folly
•Hist Sap is not the only way in which both Saxhleel and common mortals can commune with the Hist Trees, certain plants and Mushrooms such as Ianceta Pholiota can be used by the Tree-Minders to put mortals in a "dream-like" state in which they can be guided by the Hist to accomplish certain tasks for them. -Into The Mire/Clarity
•Entities in communion with the Hist Trees apparently can witness the nature spirit present throughout Argonia who are normally invisible to mortal eyes, mainly spectral Lurchers, and speak with parts of the conscience of the Hist Trees manifested in entities shaped like Argonian Spectres known as Spirits of The Hist to communicate directly with aspects of the Hist. -Clarity
•Is apparently possible to use the connection between a Saxhleel and it's Hist Tree with conjuration binds to access and even steal the memories of the Hist Tree using the spirit of the magically enslaved Saxhleel as a breach between the mage and the Tree. Stealing the memories of a Hist Tree apparently weakens it and eventually kills it. -Clarity
•The Argonian Eggs Hatched outside of the reach of a Hist Tree and it's sap lack an essential part of their own beings. Their cognition and capability to communicate and perceive meaning, feeling and expression obvious or natural to other Saxhleel and even common mortals is limited, being described as "Listening more to words than to their meaning" or being "withdrawn but not entirely silent". This might be related to the Saxhleel legends claiming that the Hist Trees created the Saxhleel to use them as frames of perception through which they could learn and experience things on the mortal world even in their apperceptive state and therefore the Argonians born outside of their Homeland can't perceive and understand the details and meanings in the world around them with the same clarity that others have because the Hist can't perceive the world through them with the same clarity due to their weak connection. -Into The Mire/Clarity
•Through special rituals, a Tree-Minder can restore and strengthen the link between an Argonian born outside of Argonia and a Hist Tree to make that Argonian "whole" again, allowing him to perceive and experience as others do. The Lukiul Ja-Reet participated in one of such rituals to restore his connection to a Hist but due to his doubts and mental weakness his mind was breached by Aldmeri Dominion Mages acting under Ruuvitar's orders, they kidnapped him before completing the ritual and used magical binds to capture and manipulate both his body and spirit to use their new weak link to the Hist as a way through which they could reach the very spirit of the Hist Tree and steal it's memories and knowledge, slowly killing it by doing so. Eventually Ja-Reet was freed from those bindings by the Vestige with help from a Tree-Minder, allowing his spirit and body to reunite and end their process of bonding with the Hist Tree. -Into The Mire/Clarity
•The spirit and body of Ja-Reet were separated but kept a weak connection to each other during the process of bonding with the Hist (Apparently Ja-Reet's consciousness abandoned his flesh temporarily to restore his spiritual link to the Hist while his body remained behind, alive, but without an active mind) but due to the interruption of the ritual by the Dominion mages, Ja-Reet's body and spirit remained separated until their individual liberations. -Into The Mire/Clarity
•According to Argonian Legends, the sap of a Hist Tree is actually it's blood and spiritual essence and is a part of it even after abandoning the Tree itself, due to this, the Hist Tree can sense whatever happens to it's sap after the extraction. Supposedly when an Argonian is hatched around a Hist Tree and drinks it's sap afterwards, the sap becomes the Argonian's blood and essence and also gifts him with a spirit of it's own, making a Saxhleel a very literal extension of his Hist Tree. If the sap is boiled or somehow profaned in great cuantities, the Tree feels such torment as it's own and it's suffering affects it's Argonian Tribe in one way or another due to their spiritual link. -The Tree-Minder's Fate
•If a Hist Tree is drained from it's sap in it's totality, it loses the power to call the souls of it's Saxhleel Tribe back to him and if the drained sap is used for profane purposes the Tree experiences an unimaginable torment capable of driving the souls bound to it into s frenzy. This fate befell the Argonian Tribe of the Forsaken Hamlet whose Hist Tree was drained from it's sap by the Aldmeri Dominion to use it in the sinister experiments of Ruuvitar and then slaughtered the whole tribe, the event made their Hist Tree too weak to claim the tribe's souls and the torment experienced by the Hist made all them hostile except for the Tree-Minder of the Tribe who eventually obtained help from the Vestige who used the Tree-Minder's staff to subdue and heal the souls of her slaughtered tribe and then destroyed the vats of the Dominion containing the stolen Hist Sap to allow it to return to the Hist Tree and then protected the Tree-Minder as she and the souls of her Tribe rejoined the Hist through a ritual to heal it and allow it's survival so eventually another tribe could arise at the Hamlet thanks to their sacrifice. -The Tree-Minder's Fate
•The spirits of Argonians linked to a Hist Tree who are unable to return to their Hist after dying for any reason and therefore remain trapped in the mortal world without access to their cycle of reincarnation are known as Hist-Shades. -The Tree-Minder's Fate
•In Argonian tradition the Wispmothers and their ghosts and wisp servants inhabiting the deep and misty marshes are considered creatures as old as the swamps themselves who sought to claim the souls of living and dead as servants and adulators. Supposedly they are immortal in some way, destroying them being as futile as trying to kill the moons or stars since they are an essential and eternal part of the marsh and will rise from it again in time, thus the use of magical bindings and prisons are the only true way to neutralize them. -Whispers Of The Wisps/A Stranger Uninvited/Broken Apart
•The terrain around certain Xanmeers in Shadowfen are used as burying grounds for the Native Argonians and certain spiritual leaders among the Argonian Tribes are selected to protect them or reclaim them should they fall to Wispmothers or undead powers. -Whispers Of The Wisps
•In the times of the Ancient Saxhleel Civilization, those Argonians who committed great blasphemies and crimes were doomed to be forever more excluded from the cycle of reincarnation of the Hist by sealing their souls after death in enchanted urns meant to hold their spirits forever more in stasis as punishment and to prevent the dark thoughts of such evil creatures from reaching and tainting the collective memories of the Argonian Tribe of each Hist Tree. The urns are no longer used by the modern and more primitive tribes but it's powers are sometimes of use to them once again in tasks such as the imprisonment of Wispmothers. -A Stranger Uninvited/Broken Apart
•The Sapiarchs of Alinor apparently developed artifacts and tools specifically meant to extract Hist Sap at Ruuvitar's behest. According to their studies, the Sap could be used to various purposes but had many undesirable effects that should be altered before further usage. One of such uses allowed, through potent alchemical processes, to made a powerful tonic capable of damaging plants with ease with the sap as a base. -Outside Interference
•Certain objects consecrated with Daedric magic to a Daedric Prince can be cleansed by Aedric blessings such as those of Arkay. -Will Of The Broken
•Despite the emphasis on honor in Orc Culture, plots among those who aspire to the title of chieftain are common among the clans of Skyrim, some of which employ the relatively low status of women in their hierarchies to such ends in dishonorable ways. -Strength Of The Father
Well, that was longer than I remembered, but maybe it will help
--J-Giacobbi (talk) 23:54, 4 May 2021 (UTC)