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Joined 2 August 2009

...Man, I need to learn the wiki commands, they're so confusing...


I love TES4: Oblivion. Sadly, its the only Elder Scrolls game I've been able to play(although I am gonna try out the free Arena and Daggerfall someday). I'd love to get my hands on Morrowind, It looks like an awesome game.
When I'm not playing games on my computer or Nintendo systems I usually practice my x86 assembly programming(I use Flat Assembler, right now I'm working on a simple command line OS) or ride my bike(pretty exciting life, huh?).
This user believes.
OBbsign Steed.jpg This user was born under the sign of The Steed.
User-userbox-PC Icon.png This user plays on a Windows PC.
User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
MaleIcon.png This user is male.
User-userbox-Lefty.png This user is left-handed.
Flag United States of America.png This user is from the United States.
OB-icon-Value.png This user is rich in Oblivion.