WildKard, staff member of Mobygames. - User profile page (contact information there)
Just doing some "casual" editing. I recently installed Morrowind for a friend who wanted to play, and came across this website/wiki while trying to make sure the dozens of mods I added to it all worked together. Since then, I'm just offering little bits of improvement to the wiki as I notice things.
Types of ModsEdit
Probably Breadcrumbs/categories for each of these... which are referenced on individual mod pages
- ESP - Standard Morrowind Plug-In File
- ESM - Morrowind Master File
- TEX - Texture Replacement, not requiring a plugin file. If it depends on a plugin, it should be labeled ESP/ESM instead.
- MP3 - Sound File Replacement/Additions, not requiring a plugin file. If it depends on a plugin, it should be labeled ESP/ESM instead.
- +INI - Also requires manual game file (.ini or other) file editing
- Game Model changes
- Body Shape
- Textures/Terrain
- Textures/Items (Inventory)
- Textures/Buildings
- Textures/Sky & Stars
- Faces
- New Characters (NPC)
- New Characters (Enemies)
- World Building (New Locations/Buildings)
- Houses
- Dungeons
- Expansive
- New content
- Clothing
- Furniture
- Spells/Effects
- Weapons/Armor
- Items
- Sound/Music
Suggested Mods for MorrowindEdit
Morrowind in my opinion is an imperfect game. The following mods help improve the world of the Elder Scrolls, enhancing the experince and paving over some of the lacking features. The following is a list of Morrowind mods that I install, and recommend to all others. None of these mods presented here conflict with one another and can all be used together. I will be making proper wiki pages for them all (and link them), but will keep this personal list for all to see.
- Note some of these plugins require Tribunal or Bloodmoon or both. In the future I'll detail the requirements. --WildKard 04:29, 18 February 2007 (EST)
- I do need help figuring out a template for writing these wikipages and need to also know how to categorize them --WildKard 04:29, 18 February 2007 (EST)
List 1 - The following mods are included in The Morrowind Ultimate Mods Pack Torrent, all of which I've installed and used successfully with the exception of a mod called Windows Glow which conflicts with another mod in the pack.
- (TEX) Vivid Morrowind Repaint (aka Vibrant Morrowind) 1.0 by Max a.k.a. ~NOOBDY~
- (TEX) Visual Pack 2.11 by Khalazza production
- (TEX) Visual pack 2.2 (nature) by Khalazza production
- (TEX) Visual Pack XT by Khalazza production
- (ESP) At Home Alchemy 1.0 by Syclonix
- (ESP) Authentic Signs: Inns & Taverns 1.1 by Nigedo (July 2004)
- (ESP) Weathered Signs 1.1 by Voltayre
- (ESP) Reflective Gold 1.0 by Max a.k.a. ~NOOBDY~
- (ESP) New fire damage effect 1.1 by Mad DJ
- (ESP) ShieldPlacer by Monica21
- (ESP) Rotations (aka Rotate, Weapon Rotate, Armor Rotate, Misc Rotate) by Dracus Dragani
- (TEX) Silverware Enhancer by ghostnull
- (ESP) BedReplacer 1.0 by TextureFreak
- (ESM) RealFurniture 1.0 by andoreth
- (TEX) Alternate Enchanted Item Icons 1.1 by Rob B.
- (ESP) The Daggerfall Book Collection 1.1 by Michael Damon, aka Launcelot
- (ESP) Meteors Beta 1 by Shanjaq
- (ESP) Unique Banners and Signs 1.11
- (ESP) Barabus' Fireplaces 2.0 by Barabus
- (ESP) UQForgotten's Face Compilation Update #1 by UQForgotten
- (ESP) Voice Greetings 0.9.6 by felix
- (TEX) Gem Replacer v1.0 by VagabondAngel
- (ESP) BookPlacementFix
- (ESP) House of Mannequins v1.0 by Grumblepunk
- (ESP) Dark Angel’s Illuminated Windows 1.0 by Dark Angel
- (ESP) Key Replacer 1.4 by Daduke
- (TEX) Ebony Weapon Enhancer by Ghostnull
- (TEX) Better Sky 1.1.1 by Thann - Note: This version of the textures do not contain transparancies. Stars/Moons will not be visible (my solution is that I keep the original Tx_Sky_Clear.dds and Tx_Sky_Cloudy.dds, but replace all others)
- (ESP) Lantern Replacer by Leeloo
- (TEX) Bottle Replacer by Qarl
- (ESP) New Tapestries by TextureFreak
- (TEX) Sharpened Models : Weapon Replacer by jakethesnake
- (ESP) More trees and foliage 1.1 by Skyfire76
- (TEX) More Trees and Foliage: New Foliage Textures (update to previous mod) by Rahuu
- (TEX) Zul's Classical Monsters Replacer 1.0 by Zuldazug
- (TEX) New Imperial Helms v1.0 by grVulture
- (ESP) TLM - The Lighting Mod 1.0 by Sensei (November, 2003)
- (TEX) Sharpened Armor V1.0 By NelothsMouth
- (ESM) Book Rotate Plugin 5.3 by Cydine & Maboroshi Daikon
- (TEX) Book Jackets by (multiple versions + fix)
- (ESP) Better Bodies 2.2 by Psychodog Studios
- (TEX) Better Daedric Armor for Better Bodies (previous mod) by Reavance
- (MP3) Guttural Orcs - Orc Voice Replacer Mod by lochnarus
- (ESP) Lochs Master Head Pack by lochnarus
- (ESP) Water Life 1.9 by abot
- (ESP) Atmospheric Sound Effects (aka ASE) 3.0 Update #4 by Duncan
- (ESP) Wilderness Sounds Mod 3.0 by Marty V. aka "The Puma Man" - Note: Includes all files from the official Bitter Coast Sounds Mod and Official Master Index Quest Mod
- (ESP) Schwaa's Custom Objects - K_Scroll Upgrade 1.1 by J.Knez [Schwaa]
- (ESP) Kirel's Interior Weather 1.0 by Kirel
- (TEX) Misc Items Replacer by Qarl
- (ESP) Clear Glass Equipment 1.0b by milling_hordesman
- (ESP) Lady E's Extravaganza
- (TEX) Daedric Weapon Enhancer by ghostnull
- (ESM) World of Heads (aka World of Faces) by GhanBuriGhan
- (MP3) The Epic Soundtrack 3.0 by Veritas Splendor
- (ESP) Exotics Boutique (aka "Pour la Guerrière") 1.1 by TommyKhajiit
- (ESP) Changing Faces NPC Replacer Update #1 by dhliva
- (MP3) EBMusic
- (ESP) Where Are All Birds Going? 1.9Fix by abot
List 2 - The following are mods I like, not included in the above pack
- (ESP) Beasts of Burden (aka Packguars) ver 2.0 (11/11/02) by Kevin Castellano
- (ESP) Gladiator 5.0 by Endrek - activates the "Arena" in vivec for battling
- (ESP) Delayed Dark Brotherhood Attack (aka postponed Dark Brotherhood attack), originally by Avenger (dirk dreidoppe), edited by Hellwolve
- (ESP) Multiple Teleport Marking Mod (aka MultiMark) v2.2 by Marcel Hesselbarth
- (ESP) Fashionable Merchants 1.0 by TakeMeToYourLizard - prevents Merchants from equipping armor sold to them
- (ESP) Adventurers NPC's Plugin 1.1 - A standalone plugin from the larger Adventurers Mod Project which spawns adds more crowds to cities and taverns.
- (ESP) Your new Balmora Residence! by Morrowind Abodes