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Joined 18 February 2007

Howdy. I joined this site in February 2007 after months of use of it. I added the third option to the Dagon Shrine quest, and thought afterward that I may as well officially enlist as my addiction to Oblivion doesn't seem to be waning despite gobs grown-up reasons why it should. I'd tried to play Morrowind, but couldn't get past the fighting system- I suspect if I gave it another shot it might take. But now I'm accustomed to the 360s graphics, so maybe not.


ummm.... My name's Peter and I wasn't feeling terribly clever- har har har. Maybe something about being agile and quick too. That, and generally when I throw darts at people they're sent with a kiss ala Bugs Bunny. Again, I wasn't feeling terribly clever. Also, I've completely ripped the format for this page from Nephele. Thanks, Nephele.

On the RealEdit

I'm an Architect and typically need a side project to keep occupied. The year and a half prior to my Oblivion obsession my project was the design and construction of my personal loft. It has crazy walnut floors that roll up into curvy walls. This is recuperation time. I'm thinking woodworking next, but need to buy a lathe. Right now I'm leveling in real life by reading scrolls.

My Oblivion CharactersEdit

Fawkes: A female Dunmer custom-class (modeled off a Nightshade) generalist. Fawkes is a bit of an evil, self-serving bitch, angry because she can't increase her chest size in the character modeler. Some women just have larger breasts, and she doesn't understand what the big deal is. Who would you rather look at for 100+ hours? She is the head of all the guilds and a just-recently-redeemed vampire. Fawkes enjoys most the Dark Brotherhood, though she initially aspired only to theivery. She liked being a vampire, but inefficient leveling caused her to occasionally have to flee the dungeon she was in. Doing so into the sun occasionally met with disastrously infuriating results, and she became even more angry. Fawkes (long a in the pronunciation) has never tried to artificially raise any stat, and is miffed that at level 30 she still sometimes gets her butt kicked: level the enemies by all means she says, but there has to be a cap. She has stopped caring about relighting anything. At Level 30, 177 hours of gametime, 303 saves.

Sinderion: A male Altmer super bad-ass. Of a custom-class called 'The Hated' (after Bay Area XFL legend "He Hate Me"), Sinderion Jr. was created after I realized my identification with the plight of Fawkes had nosedived. Sinderion doesn't belong to any guilds, wanting to avoid the limelight and not be beholden to any rules that would conflict with A) the quest or B) his political ambition after the quest's conclusion. Living up to the bar set by a famous father (Nirnroot dude) has always been a problem, and influences much of what he does. These feelings of inadequacy produced a belief that he lacked the skills necessary to complete the mission given him by the king. Upon leaving the sewers, he thought the best thing was to disappear in the forest and proceed to 'get strong.' Sinderion wanted to be a battle-mage type; skilled with thunking enemies if they got too close but prefering to keep the horde away with his mastery of destruction, marksman and conjuration. His zero infamy score is as much about his future political desire as his want to help others. Shrewd, his completed quests are part of the main story or improve his own abilities; he typically stays away from questing for individuals- he'll do that later when he needs a good fluff piece in the local paper. Finding over 200 Nirnroots lead to a reconciliation with dad, and he finally felt confident enough to start the main quest at level 43 or so. Sinderion is learning how to read just now, though still skittish around books after avoiding them for so long. Obsessive-compulsive disorder has been a problem, but after mastering 16 skills and maxing all his attributes (except luck, damnit), its less of a concern anymore. The problem is that he just likes walking around Cyrodil, and why not level up while he's doing it? At Level 50, 153 hours of gametime and 185 saves.

???: I am intrigued by the Atronach Birthsign, but haven't decided how best to pair it. The next character is going to complete the main quest immediately, leveling and fighting as little as possible until done. It'd be nice to stick to a created premise. Maybe Orc, Khajit or lizard.