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User:Outlyer/Drafts/Ingredients Translations+Spanish

< User:Outlyer

This was a draft version of Oblivion:Ingredients_Translations including the Spanish names. I'm currently using this page to ease keeping track of the ingredients not yet translated.

As stated in my user page I play on the PS3 and on a SDTV so compiling the list must be done manually and in short periods to reduce eye strain (also I don't specifically search for the ingredients, just add the samples I get to the list from time to time), so it takes its time.


9 listed ingredients yet to be added.

Stuff to be located yet:

Arrurruz (Rest. Agil.; Dam. Luck; Fort. Str.; Burden)
Cordero (Fort. Health; Dam. Fatigue; Dispel; Dam. Magicka)
Hojas de alquemila ((no capitalization)) (Rest. Healt; Dam. Resist.; Nighteye; Feather)
Hojas de prímula ((")) (Rest. Will.; Rest. Pers.; Fort. Luck; Dam. Str.)
Hojas de lengua de buey ((")) (Restl. Paral.; Nighteye; Burden (Carga); Cure Paral.)
Puerro (Rest. Fat.; Fort. Agi.; Dam. Pers.; Dam. Str.)
Somb. hongo yesguero ((not "Sombr.")) (Rest. Will.; Resis. Dis.; Invis.; Dam. Magicka)
Sombr. hongo funerario (Rest. Health; Dam. Intell.; Resist. Paral.; Shock Dam.)
Sombrero panza burro (Rest. Agil.; Shield; Dam. Pers.; Dam. Resist.)
Tallos de brizna (Dam. Heal.; Dam. Will.; Dam. Intel.; Fort. Speed)
Venado (Rest. Health; Feather; Dam. Health; Chameleon)
Helecho (Rest. Speed; Dam. Intel.; Fort. Health; Feather) <-- Maybe Somnalius Frond (error while noting effects?: Second effect should be Damage Endurance)
Hojas berro de prado (Rest. Intel.; Resist Fire; Dam. Fatigue; Fort. Health)
Semillas de lino (Rest. Magicka; Feather; Shield; Dam. Health)
Semillas de hinojo (?)
Vesícula de diablo (Fort. Pers.; Cure Paral.; Dam. Health; Fire Dam.)

Elements in the table not yet identified:

Ashes of Hindaril
Foxglove Nectar
Mugwort Seeds
Shepherd's Pie
S'jirra's Famous Potato Bread
Somnalius Frond
Water Hyacinth Nectar

Specials (Might not be in the list at all?):

Liquen (Restore Magicka (only effect))
Manza envenenada (Mortal venom (only effect))

Added to the original list:

Painted troll fat
Ironwood Nut * -> Apparently there're quite a lot of possible Ironwoods, should take a look later on
Root Pulp

Worth changing/noting:

Taproot latin n/a -> fictional
Cinnabar Polypore * -> the two variants bear the same name in the three translations, distinguisable vy picture or effects
Notes along the lines of "This page lists both standard and quest specific ingredients of the main game" and something about Shivering Isles release status should be added

Possible typos:

S. hongo Saddle. Dryad -> not sure if Saddle. or Saddle, (eyes hurt already and SD TV :P)

Table... notEdit

The table was already integrated into the article.