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Joined 26 November 2006

Who am I? Those who don't know me well might want to depict me as your regular geek. What with playing first-person, non-multiplayer RPG's and spending hours on the Net. Those who know me better tend not to think otherwise, anyway, but for other reasons.

A few facts about me, though. I'm male, I'm a grown-up (or I tend to think so), my nickname here is both the anagram of "Lynx" and a contraction of my first name (which I shan't disclose in public, even if it's easy to figure out). Apart from those, I'll add that French is my mother language, and appeal for your understanding if my English is, at times, approximative.

Elder Scrolls and me. I discovered the Elder Scrolls games with Daggerfall, about ten years ago, when it was already "old" (three years old, woohoo). Let me tell you that I'm still startled everytime I play this game, whenever I hear the groans of an Ancient Vampire or an Archlich. I've never felt so scared in any other kind of game, and I've played a few which were dubbed "horror games" by their developers/editors.

I've tried my hands on Battlespire, but not long enough to get drawn into it.

And then I acquired a Game of the Year edition of Morrowind (in French, I'm a little bit sorry I could not get it in original version). Bliss. Oh, the bliss. Now, I'm nothing near as afraid of vampires as I'm p...ed off by cliffracers. Where on Vvardenfell do those flying critters appear fromĀ ? They have a knack to pop right in my back despite my most careful scrutiny (and my Dwemer crossbow loaded with silver bolts)...

Powergaming is good, to some extent. One thing I dislike on your regular tabletop RPG's, is powergaming (we call that "grosbillisme" in French). It's the kind of excess that can ruin a session, when there are rules to assist this (no, I will not look toward Renton, Washington). The best thing I did when I became a real Storyteller was to get rid of rules systems altogether and play with Players and their characters, not with dice and spreadsheets. And powergaming is good only when everyone around the table is into it. I never played with a whole group of powergamers.

Contrarily, it's something I like best with the Elder Scrolls games I played, the opportunity to build up one's character to insane levels, being able to jump from roof to roof just like Spiderman or Ninjas or stuff. Good for the ego, even for the duration of a mere videogame session. At least, in those games, one can powergame without ruining other people's fun.

What I hope to contribute here. Well, nothing much, really. I'm just a Morrowind addict, currently, re-playing my favourite character (I'm eight levels down from 100 luck, muwahahah), a Dunmer born under the Lady's stars, with such a charism that even the Buoyant Armigers find me of good company from the start. I'll probably be content with the issueing of small remarks/corrections, not editing anything directly since other members of the community are way more skilled than me with this Wiki technology. I'll be humble and modest, I promise.