About Matt360 432Edit
Hi there,
My name is Matt and I am a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls IV Oblivon. I have the game for Xbox 360 (as the username suggests), and own the Shivering Isles, Knights of the Nine, The Vile Lair, The Fighters Stronghold, The Wizards Tower, The Thieves Den and Unearthing Mehrunes Razor. I live in England (Sheffield). I first found the site in May 08, and I have used it for anything and everything to do with Oblivion. However I have done most of this researching and editting using the browser of an iPod Touch. My hobbies include climbing, swimming, playing Oblivion and skimming through the wiki
Why play an Orc when you can play a Nord?Edit
I am currently 'Running' the life of 1 Male Nord, who at Level 34 on 7th August was Sheogorath, The Listener of the Black Hand, Champion of the Fighters Guild, Cat Burgaler in the Thieves Guild, Grand Champion of the Arena and Master Wizard in the Mages Guild. I have put 125 Hours into this Character.
Deletion of a DunmerEdit
However, I Unknowing deleated my Prized Character, a Male Dunmer who was leader of every Guild, Madgod, Level 51, maxed out all Combat and Magical Skills and had collected all 15 of the Deadric Artifacts, including the Mehrunes Razor. He was also the champion of Cyronill. I put well over 200 hours into this account ;-(
Another £20 to Bethesda Softworks :-DEdit
Well, after Reading about all the great mods, it was inevitable I was going to get another copy of this crazy game for my useless computer. So, I got the GOTY edition, and mucked around with some basic mods, before gettin 'Midas Magic' (it rules!) and Ancient Towers (It rules more!). I just downloaded a masive mid which adds a large area of desert to the west of Leyawiin. Now I just need to find that bloody disc again!
Me and MorrowindEdit
I have recently bought the 3rd game in the series, and quickly became addicted to it. After playing for about 100 hours, I downloaded the construction set and had a fiddle with that, and accidently deleted half of Vivec. Meh.
- Well, after that interesting experiance, I began playing it again, and put about 20 mods on it, making the already poor frame rate abysmal. I am currently murdering people in the name of the Morag Tong, and I am looking forward to downloading 'Tamriel Rebuilt' onto my computer.