Hey there, I'm Jujimufu, and I joined this wiki in early March 2009 (very late, I know). I bought Oblivion GotY at the beginning of '09, only to discover that it's a gem of a game. Pity I didn't bother to buy it when it came out..
Who Am I?Edit
I am Jujimufu, destroyer of worlds. I do not come in peace, but in terror and chaos. I am a year 12 student living in Victoria, and I love Oblivion.
The name Jujimufu is not one of my own creation. I STOLE IT! From the owner of a website specializing in the art of tricking[1]. I love tricking, and the associated sport, parkour[2]. I also enjoy fireworks (watching AND making them), and one day I hope to do something in the field of special effects.
I have one pet, a cat called Mr Tibbles. The name was taken from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and is one of the cats owned by the squib Mrs Figg. As I write this I can see him prowling around in the garden (he once ate a possum, what a good hunter). He gets into fights with foxes and other cats, always to return as the champion, but he has quite a few battle scars, notably a large cut along his nose.
I am also EXTREMELY fond of the Guitar Hero series, and I don't mean to brag, but I'm quite good. I haven't beaten Through the Fire and Flames yet, so I'm not that good, but I'm better than everyone I know, so for all intents and purposes, I ROCK!!. I have been playing piano since I was 5, so I have around 13 years experience, I can play the guitar, and I've been told I can sing, but that's conjecture.
I HATE fighting games, like Tekken, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, I find they're all the same thing, just with different titles and characters. The movies aren't that bad, but the games, no. Just no.
Why did I join this Wiki?Edit
Basically I joined it because I'd like to share my experiences with Oblivion. I discovered UESP just after I bought the game, and I've found it a valuable resource for information. While I may not have the most experience in playing the game, I devote much of my time figuring out bits and bobs of Cyrodiil. By no means should anyone ask me a question, as I most likely will give you a wrong answer, so you best go and ask someone else (at least for now while I get better acquainted with the game). I'd also like to help fixing up pages, with things like spelling or grammar, or things that just make no sense, but I think the Admins are doing a great job at that already. Once my knowledge of the game gets up a bit more, I could contribute more to the pages, but I'm pretty sure everything in the game has already been covered, apart from minor errors here and there.
Me and the game so farEdit
So far I have only one character, with whom I just want to finish the main quest.
Jujimufu: a male Breton that came into the world not knowing who he was or what he wanted to be. He's a jack of all trades, but a master of none. While a fair hand at swordplay, he also likes to hunt with bow and arrow, and he doesn't mind using a bit of magic now and then, mainly restorative and destructive spells. He's also a very sneaky sort, active mostly at the night time, trying his hand at picking locks and evading Imperial guards.
He spends most of his time wandering around Cyrodiil, not really knowing where to go or what to do, but he's getting there.
At level 16 with 111 hours playing time, Jujimufu is just a regular civilian, taking life at an easy pace.