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I am the admin of the Forgotten Realms Wiki ( I am a borderline OCD completionist when it comes to games like these so, having completed Morrowind, Oblivion, their expansions and the vast majority of Skyrim I consider myself quite knowledgeable about the world of the Elder Scrolls universe as well. There's still a bunch more stuff that needs to be done to this wiki but my first priority is to my own wiki.

Until very recently, the only time I ever played as anything other than an Imperial or a Dunmer was the first time I went through Morrowind where I was a Redguard. My latest character is an Altmer in Skyrim - my first departure from playing an Imperial in many years of Elder Scrolls playthroughs.

Current issues:

  • Skyrim - Already had a copy of a book Urag wanted for the radial quest. Cannot turn it in.
  • Skyrim - Cannot get Mjoll the Lioness to ask me to fetch Grimsever.
  • Skyrim - Hulda at the Bannered Mare refuses to give me the rumour to begin The Whispering Door.