About Me:
Well, my webname is Geniepert and I'm 18 years old. I live in the Netherlands. The Reason to join Uesp is for do little Contributing to this wonderful EldersScrolls database.
(Sorry for any bad grammar but I'm Dutch as you could read above, but I think you can figger out what I'm trying to say ;)
About My Elders Scrolls Experience:
The first EldersScrolls game I played was Oblivion. (To be honest with you guys before this discoverage i wasnt a fantasy rpg fan at all) After playing Oblivion I was sold out to the Game Franchise, later I bought Morrowind and Tribunal too but after playing Oblivion it was like a,, well how do you put it... a step down qua graphics and physics (dont get me wrong, it are still good games with good gameplay and a fantastic storyline) but at the end I was returning again to the Oblvion Chapter. This Is why you will find me mostly editing Oblivion pages just because I have not that much knowledge about the other chapters of the Franchise.
Before My login on the UESP I certainly used the already excisted knowledge about Oblivion on this pages to discover many fantastic things in the game. And before I close this page about me I want to say to all the Members of UESP: Thank You, you,re great people for putting so much time and perseverance in the delivery of so much informative pages of this Wonderful Franchise.
Kind Regards Geniepert.
- The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind + Bloodmoon & Tribunal expansions.(Not playing this one no more so often)
- The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion + Shivering Isles & Knights of the Nine expansions.
Current tasks:Edit
- Maintenance
Because most of the information is already complete on this site and I don't have enough experience (yet) to do great new projects for the UESP I'm currently patrolling pages to correct something or link something through (for example npc names) if this isn't already done on the page. Further I try to expand some stubs at the time.