hello my name is Jon Jon but most people just call me froggy I am here to represent the educationally challenged that in no way means i am stupid. I am dyslexic so most of my post or comments will be misspelled because i spell thing the way they sound. i love morrowind i was raised on it and my love for the game is what made me a fan of oblivion. I will answer any questions to the best of my knowledge. recently i have become a fan of this website it has more information on the games and easier to access than most other sites. Thanks to the brilliant staff and well tested research (thank you). To those who are looking for quick answers with out looking ill tell you the same thing my father told me "all knowledge is obtainable you just have to work for it(research/look)" Another lesson he passed to me was "if you cant find the answer look harder"
I am a very nice person at heart but i am not above putting someone in there place. Im slowly learning the order of things on this website in the hopes that when skyrim is released i will be able to help. i try to assist on the site on oblivion and morrowind as much as possible but my ill gamer hold me back from editing the main pages. most of my expertise is human behavior and communication. simply explaining things to not so bright people. i also ask a lot of questions and tend to try and help when its not really necessary sorry. I hope that one day i will be as skilled as reph and kitkat good job guys and take my place in this family.