The name Flood15 is one I blatanly stole from the HALO games ,The Flood being one of the main parts of the game. I added 15 to the end because I like the number. It also rolls of the tongue nicely. I think it does anyways. I'm on XboxLive and have been from the start ,my masculinity and sexuality have been questioned many times as well as various insults to my mother even though she has never played anything online before and I regard her as a wonderful loving person. No I dont live in her basement.
I've only played Oblivion and Skyrim from the TES series ,jumping on the bandwagon with the Xbox 360. My other games include fanboy amounts of Halo [only the storyline ,not a fan of the multiplayer] and Bioshock.
Real WorldEdit
In the real world [I often have to remind myself Tamriel is not real] I'm a Combat Engineer ,and will avidly tell anyone with ears or listening devices how amazing it is.