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User:Daric Gaersmith/TES Fan Fiction Collection/Reading Fan Fiction

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Transparent.gif introduction  
Transparent.gif Here are my own observations from reading other peoples TES fan fiction. As I enjoy writing fan fiction and sharing my writing with the community, so too I enjoy reading other peoples' work. I often get inspiration from what I read, so don't be surprised if some element of another author's work creeps into my own writing. I will also be quite bold as to discuss elements of other peoples' fan fiction tales that I don't particularly like. Please do not take these comments as criticism. Everyones style is different, and I am just expressing my own style when critiquing a work. I expect that not everyone will like every part of my own fan fiction writing, and I am always happy to read critiques of my own work.

Reading other peoples' fan fiction

"Sometimes it might be a good idea to check out some of the most popular fics just to see what is already out there. You want your piece to be unique, fresh, and interesting, and if it has too much of a similarity to a very popular piece, whether on purpose or not, people might not read it. And there are some scenarios that are written so frequently that they are considered to be cliches. A little investigation before you expend a lot of effort outlining and writing your piece can help you avoid an unpleasant experience."Valis2[UOL 1]

None of this is actually critique per se, it is just my own thoughts that were inspired by reading other peoples work. You'll notice that I have kept my thoughts here on my own user space, and not on the Discussion pages of the individual author's work. I want to be able to easily come back these thoughts as I write my own fan fiction works. The purpose of this is really for myself, rather than for the edification of the authors of the TES fan fiction I read. It is my collection of my thoughts on other fan fiction creations, to help guide me as I write my own. I have separated this section of my user space out so that I can have a page for each fan fiction tale I read.


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.

  1. ^ Valis2Avoiding mistakes in fanfiction writing: A beginner's guide posted on Sycophant Hex, a site for quality Harry Potter fanfiction.