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Joined 23 November 2008

Hi, my name's Connor. And i play Oblivion. i bought the game in 2007 and played through the game, and thought it was pretty cool. Then Call of Duty 4 came out and i put down Oblivion for about six months. About three months ago, i put Oblivion back into my xbox and realized how amazing it really is.

I've made three characters so far; an argonian, a khajiit, and a redgaurd

The argonian was made for fun. I wanted to see how many guards i could drown inside the mage's well in cheydinhal. It worked out quite well, i have about 20 guards in there. You should try it sometime. quest characters work well too, seeing as they cant die, and they're trapped down there forever.

The khajiit is amazing. I am a master of sneak, security, and marksman. I've also found that with the Grand Ring of Shadows, plus the Black Hand Robe and the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, i can sneak in front of anyone and not be seen. Which is good, seeing as he can't kill anything with a blade anyway. Also, I realized that trying to close Oblivion Gates and kill daedra after 145 days of in-game time and being level 20+ is EXTREMELY hard if you haven't done much combat other than using a bow. I would suggest doing it before you reach level 10.