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UESPWiki β

About MeEdit

  • My name is Cameron.
  • I live in England.
  • I am least I was when I wrote this.
  • I got unhooked from World of Warcraft.
  • I think FreeBSD is the god of all operating systems.
  • One of my cats tries to kill himself...well he seems to.

Current Code WorkingsEdit

  • Learning Assembly Language.
  • Writing ESS file parser which is currently in the scratchpad stage.


I hope to be spending a lot of time around here, I have come and gone over the years but never really stuck around, this time will hopefully be different and if so then I will probably be spending most of my time with the folks over at the technical parts of the wiki (File formats) as that interests me more than actually writing mods and I do enjoy trying to figure out obscure things, if Bethsoft actually released the file formats that would take away half the fun!

Feel free to use my discussion page if you want to discuss something with me.