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Template talk:Weather

Too Colorful?Edit

Okay, I like the idea and it's something I've considered (from a more Oblivion-esque perspective) for a while, but I'm not sure about the "region color" parameter, and I also think the colors could be a little less... strident. It's fine it it's only used on the region pages, but when it crops up in the middle of articles like A Show of Power, it stands out like a Hawaiian shirt at a funeral. It's also a factor on areas with micro-climates such as Brodir Grove. Adding indiscriminate color can be very distracting, and I wonder if this is the best place for it. –RpehTCE 18:03, 10 March 2009 (EDT)

An equivalent for Oblivion would be more complicated to set up since there aren't a hardcoded limit of ten different weather types, but as many as modders want. For the weather colors, my first thought was to find ten little 16x16 meteo icons but after a quick search yielded no exploitable result (nothing that was Creative Common or Public Domain), I settled on using colors to quickly convey the weather instead. I'd still prefer meteo icons, but I just don't have them. The region color, I don't think it's intrusive, really, since they're just thin bars only 6 pixel high. That said, I can try something else. --Gez 18:23, 10 March 2009 (EDT)
Actually, the problem with Oblivion is that most regions are divided into sub-regions and most don't specify weather anyway. Some do (did you know there's a 100% chance of snow on Gnoll Mountain?) but many don't. Anyway. I think the revised version is much more restrained. I agree that icons would be even better and I'll see what I can find. –RpehTCE 01:35, 11 March 2009 (EDT)
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