Template:Cat Footer
This can be used on sequential category pages to link to the next, previous, and parent categories in the sequence. Only the category names are needed, the template fills in the rest.
Parameter | Scope | Description |
Prev | optional | The previous category in the sequence. |
PrevD | optional | Text to display for previous category. If omitted, Prev will be used. |
Prev2 | optional | The alternate previous category in the sequence. |
Prev2D | optional | Text to display for alternate previous category. If omitted, Prev2 will be used. |
Next | optional | The next category in the sequence. |
NextD | optional | Text to display for next category. If omitted, Next will be used. |
Next2 | optional | The alternate next category in the sequence. |
Next2D | optional | Text to display for alternate next category. If omitted, Next2 will be used. |
Conc | optional | The sibling category in the sequence. |
ConcD | optional | Text to display for sibling category. If omitted, Conc will be used. |
Up | optional | The parent category. |
UpD | optional | Text to display for the parent category. If omitted, Up will be used. |